
The 2016 Shortlist

View the 2016 Information is Beautiful Awards shortlist in full. 



The Climate Challenge - Heather Jones

When the World Washes - Kantar Worldpanel

Garbage Sorting Recycling Figure - Pei Lei Ye

13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics - NeoMam Studios

Cognitive Bias Cheat Sheet - John Manoogian III

Visualizing the Size of the US National DebtVisual Capitalist

The Missing Migrants Map - Valerio Pellegrini

 The Net of Terror - Marco Giannini

Animated Infographic Microsite on E-Commerce - YAAY

Leicester's Cinderella Season - Alberto Lucas López

The Chart of Cosmic Exploration - PopChart Lab

A Genealogy of Scientific Racism  - Feroze Alam - Martin Panchaud

The Last Star in the Universe: Red Dwarfs Explained - Kurzgesagt

Beatles Analysis - Adam E McCann



Determinants of Health - Edwin Choi

Olympic Feathers: Visualizing all gold medal winners since 1896 - Nadieh Bremer

All of the World's Money & Markets in One Visualization - Jeff Desjardins

Almost Impossible Cancer Spaghetti - Will Stahl-Timmins

Explore the Complicated Network of Allies & Enemies in Syria's Civil War - Quartz

The New Republican Center of Gravity - The Guardian

Making it to Mars - Valerio Pellegrini

How Brand New Words are Spreading Across America - Quartz

The Printing Press & Type Foundries - Janet Chan

The Sum of the Parts - Alberto Lucas López

Gun Deaths in America - FiveThirtyEight

Nuclear Legacy - Mashable

Which Countries Censor the Internet - Heather Jones

Income Inequality in Los Angeles & Chicago - Herwig Scherabon

Literary Meals - Federica Fragapane

Educational Pathways - Hahn & Zimmermann

Earth Temperature Timeline - xkcd

Climate Spirals - Ed Hawkins

Project UKKO: Seasonal Wind Predictions for the Energy Sector - Moritz Stefaner 

Connected World - Small Multiples



MusicMap - Kwinten Crauwels

IBM Watson News Explorer - IBM

Affordability Explorer - Herwig Scherabon

Hollywood's Gender Divide & its Effect on Films - Polygraph

The Evolution of Music Taste - Polygraph

Unfiltered News - Jigsaw

Goldilocks - Jan Willem Tulp

How Cities are Governed - Team LSE Cities 

The Network Behind the Cosmic Web - Kim Albrecht

Cleaner Air for All - The European Commission

The PayPal Mafia - Volodymyr Kupriyanov

Neural Network Playground - Daniel Smilkov

How Will You Die - Nathan Yau

Atlas of Emotions - Paul Ekman

What's Your Pay Gap? - Wall Street Journal

A Blueprint for Carbon-Free America - National Geographic

Who Marries Whom? - Bloomberg

How Much of Your Body is Your Own? - Beyond Words Studio

New Arrivals Atlas: Where Berliners Really Come From - Julius Troeger

US vs. THEM - Robert Rouse



Film Dialogue - Polygraph

What Went Wrong in Flint - FiveThirtyEight

Science Isn't Broken - FiveThirtyEight

The History of Islamist Terrorism - Rossiya Segnodya

Five Years of Drought - John Nelson

Trends & Anomalies in the Names of 1.5 Million Babies - Darkhorse Analytics

Why Infectious Bacteria are Winning -  Quartz

China's Property Market: A Decade of Ups & Downs - Caixin Media Company Ltd

Who Really Decides? - ABC News Digital Storytelling team

Spies in the Skies - Peter Aldhous 

Crime in Context - Gabriel Dance

Watched - The Post & Courier

Measuring People's Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters - BBVA Data & Analytics

The Math of Mass Shootings - The Washington Post

Who Are Those 17 Million Dutch People? - Mirjam Leunissen

Back & Forth Between Google & Government - Accurat

Who Gets Venture Capital Funding? - Bloomberg

The Dark Side of Guardian Comments - The Guardian

Serena Williams GOAT - LA Times

Invasive Species - John Burn-Murdoch

Punk - Polygraph

Asylum Applications in Europe - Duc-Quang Nguyen

Contraception & Family Planning Around the World - The Guardian

The Power Players - Kiln



Data is Beautiful (Reddit) - Data is Beautiful

WTFViz - Drew Skau

Visualoop - Infogram

Visualeyed - The Visual Agency

Data Plus Science - Jeffrey Shaffer

Storytelling with Data - Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

The PolicyViz Podcast - Jon Schwabish

Flowing Data - Nathan Yau

Visualising Data - Andy Kirk

The Functional Art - Alberto Cairo

FiveThirtyEight - Nate Silver



Feature Section Objektivno Dnevnik

The BMJ Infographics - Will Stahl-Timmins

Data Cuisine -  Moritz Stefaner

The Spending Review in 5 Charts - SKY plc

PhotoViz - Nicholas Felton

Cities in Europe - PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Subspotting Daniel Goddemeyer

Mona Chalabi's Instagram - Mona Chalabi

Sage Project - Sam Slover

Open Systems Wall Display - Moritz Stefaner

Off the Staff - Nicholas Rougeux

2016 Election Forecast - FiveThirtyEight

Toronto Symphony Orchestra Listening Guide - Hannah Chan-Hartley

Chirming - Sugko

Sequence Bundles - Science Practice

MakeoverMonday - Andy Cotgreave

Data USA - Datawheel

Terre Urbaine - BiG

Roads to Rome - Moovel Lab

Refugee Crisis Explained - Kurzgesagt

Atlas de México - Cordelia Morales Trevino


:: Browse the full 2016 shortlist.

:: See the 2015 shortlist & winners.  

Posted in Awards — almost 8 years ago