This dashboard is designed for Network Security Admins to be able to monitor, identify and take preventive actions on anomalous activities to help protect sensitive data of the organization...
Market Map is an experimental data visualization project that explores new ways of visualizing the US stock market data. We believe that the map can help the wide audience of people interested in...
This case study was part of the Google Data Analytics Certificate Program. The task was to analyze rider behavior of the fictional company, Cyclistic Bike Share, to understand how members and...
The Power Switcher is an online tool for expert users that allows them to explore future energy scenarios in Switzerland.
Users can try out all kinds of options and find out what the effect of...
Real-time economic portal with economic indicators calculated from internal bank data, providing valuable and easy-to-understand information. The tool allows the data to be viewed in two different...
This chart visualises the entirety of companies comprising the FTSE Vanguard Global All Cap fund, a passive index fund comprised of large, mid-sized and small company shares in developed and...
These images have been produced using a recently published data visualization library. This JavaScript library enables high-quality raytraced data visualization using realistic materials and...
This graphic conveys to the reader which countries, by economic size, are at what stage in their central bank digital currency (CBDC) research, development, and implementation process. The larger...
This data visualization provides insights on the attrition trends in an organization with several breakdowns by department, job role, demographics, and survey scores. The glassmorphism design and...
At the end of 2021, we created a visualization of our work for our annual greeting card and it worked so well that it launched a new tradition at Voilà:. Each year, we would create something...
For investors, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) criteria often lacks clarity — many funds use ESG language for promotional purposes but ultimately can’t articulate what that...
Confusion Matrix:
a short video capturing a few scenarios, as a demo.
Implementation: Excel (without VBA code)
Music by HookSounds
Beta version available on site:
Onboarding is the process of introducing newly hired employees to our organization's expectations, behaviours, and culture. COVID-19 has permanently altered how we work, and consequently, it has...
Private Equity International’s Number Crunch is a collaborative project between the publication’s editorial, production and design teams. Published once a month, Number Crunch takes a topic – be it...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. This viz displays a 360° overview of a project's status and key performance indicators...
In 2019, we were contacted by Ilmueo, a data science company, to collaborate with them in finding a way to create a powerful visual experience that highlighted all projects that they have done...
This data visualization represents the admitted patient care activity in English NHS hospitals and English NHS-commissioned activity in the independent sector during 2019-2020. This dashboard...
An infographic with the worlds most expensive and exotic Hermès bags. Bags are listed by price and use of exotic leathers and materials.
The image has gone viral on LinkedIn and viewed by over...
The Event Experience Dashboard is a comprehensive visualization of data-focused key metrics for event experience, presented on a well-organized, visually appealing, and user-friendly...
hrough the prism of a patent professional, data analyst, and designer, Imagine X Lab team and partners develop new initiatives that demystify the complexity of design IP (Intellectual Property),...
In this dashboard you can find information about all trading operation between TOP-10 European countries by GDP and answer the questions: who was the trade leader in this period, how this position...
Datadog is an observability and analytics platform for applications, infrastructure, and security. It can be used to determine performance metrics as well as event monitoring for infrastructure and...
There are hundreds of organizations in Europe working in fields related to the concept of “Civic Education”. They somehow contribute to providing a set of civic competencies to manage social...
This dashboard was originally made for the World Data Visualization Prize but provides a quick overview of the selected metrics for the whole world. The possibility to choose one metric and compare...
The data shows the quality indication of Robosta coffee based on the country of production. Robusta coffee is a type of quality that is produced and consumed in different parts of the globe. The...
This dashboard is an analysis into the results of email marketing campaigns, specifically focusing on key metrics such as open rate and click rate. The viz is split into 3 pages: a monthly...
This interactive dashboard encourages users to focus on one area – a country, region, or income level – and see how it compares to its counterparts across a wide range of metrics. It provides...
This business dashboard shows the tracking of sales ,profit and discount of a store (super-store dataset) regionally.. Those metrics were broken down into different entities for easier...
A Google Analytics Dashboard created by Shreya Arya, created using mock data from DataSuperstar.
Explore patterns in web visits and user engagement
A submission for the community project Back...