This project visualizes ten metrics, from freedom and governance scores to happiness and wellbeing indexes, for every country. The visualization offers a readable result despite the number of...
Besides economic data and company fundamentals, market psychology as well as general investor sentiment helps in determining stock prices. Economic data and Company fundamentals are usually...
Established in 1981, the Institute of Systems Science at National University of Singapore (NUS-ISS) provides graduate education, executive education programs, consultancy, and research services. To...
The Trump administration has made repeated attacks on climate science, hitting policymakers, scientists, and the general public alike with a united rhetoric that claims climate change is nothing...
Aragon covering an area of 47720 km2 (18420 square miles), the population of Aragon was 1.308.728(INE 2018) but the population of the city of Zaragoza(capital city) was 666.880(INE 2018) and only...
Harvard Growth Lab’s Country Complexity Profiles is a first-of-its-kind tool that revolutionizes how to think about economic strategy, policy, and investment opportunities for over 130 countries....
The narrative visualisation has been created using Tableau Desktop application and has been published in Tableau Public.
It showcases the best suited investment options available based on a...
The project shows representatives by party and by gender highlighting women in each party. You can see the inequality of men and women in the house of representatives of the United States during...
Every country in the world is regularly tracked by a large number of metrics. The metrics important for a “good” country are personal - see where the countries of the world fall on your personal...
There are many ways to think about the future - but some are more productive than others. Horoscopes, prophecies and ancient dream interpretations, for instance, are not exactly useful: whereas...
ZEIT ONLINE has enabled the graphic analysis of all speeches held in the Bundestag, Germany's parliament, since 1949. The interactive application show when which issues were debated and how...
With the collapse of investment bank, Lehman Brothers, the 2008 Financial Crisis became full blown economic downturn which eventually led to the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression of...
In early 2019, The Economist built a demographic model using 90,000 individual survey responses from YouGov to calculate an individual’s probable attitude to each of three possible Brexit options:...
Dear Judges:
When Sen. Kamala Harris' presidential debate received a boost in polling after her exchange with former Vice President Joe Biden in the first democratic debate, we wanted to know...
Group information assignment, featuring data from the group survey of 1200 real data points. The main vision in the form of visual chart directly reflects the relationship between visible and...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
Our team of digital strategists, technology experts, and creatives work collaboratively to bring data to life through immersive storytelling. We constantly challenge conventional thinking for our...
India has the biggest democracy in the world with 543 constituencies, each having fierce competition among the national as well as the regional parties. In 2019, more than 600 million people voted...
China's emergence as a global power is likely to be the most consequential factor in twenty-first-century international politics. Yet the nature of Chinese power is poorly understood. Its...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
The infographic shows which parties (represented by the vertical rectangles) the two candidates who competed in the second round of the election in Brazil passed by. The distribution of these...
This is an infographic about solid waste management, revealing the risk we are facing. The infographic totally includes world map about waste generating, main types of waste generated, regional...
Every year, humanity is leaking more and more plastic into the world's oceans.
Plastic does not dissolve. Instead it is ground into smaller and smaller pieces at the micrometer and nanometer...
Terrorism has been a popular news item for over several decades. It’s a very complex issue, that originates from various extremists’ ideologies. But what the headlines don’t commonly say, is that...
‘Basômetro’ is a tool that monitors the votes of each representative in Brazil’s House of Representatives, with historical data ranging back from 2003 up to now. It then calculates a government...
This work is made for our client, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Team. As the client requested, and to suit our target audiences' reading habits, it is a mobile-only version, so please watch it on a...
This study shows data from the last 10 years and inspects how people changed their minds on political and economic issues. The data shows cross-tabular information, so in every question you can see...
In the first half of this year, the Chinese GDP reached 45093.3 billion yuan, an increase of 6.3% over the same period last year. The nationwide fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) is 299...
This data visualization animation brings to life the extraordinary expansion of deportations managed by the EU's Coastal and Borders Agency, Frontex. It shows in a thought-provoking way the growing...
4600: This is the number of Swiss citizens standing for one of the 200 seats in the National Council on 20 October. 2019. More than ever before. Age, gender, political attitude: these are their...