The project, From the Frugal to the Ornate: Stories of the Seat in India, investigates and spotlights the seat’s relationship with its sitter, and other people in its periphery. The attempt is to...
Rising Sea Levels: When, Where, and Who?
By 2100, areas now home to 200 million people could fall permanently below the high tide line. 200 million.
Over the past 15 years, the global mean...
The 20th anniversary of the publication of the first draft of the human genome offers an opportunity to track how the project has empowered research into the genetic roots of human disease, changed...
My visualization depicts the 2021 Michelin Guides list of 143 restaurants with 3 Michelin stars. Michelin star is the ultimate hallmark of culinary excellence. Michelin stars are awarded to...
For decades, tracking how well - or badly - governments are doing in drug policy has been an elusive endeavor. In no small part, this is because data collection efforts by both governments and the...
For centuries, medicine has failed women. Despite the many advancements we have made in society in recent decades, gender-biased healthcare is still a significant problem very few people are...
Climate change threatens the health of Canadians, and if we don't act quickly and address the root causes that put some people at increased risk, it could get worse over time. In 2021, the Canadian...
In the UK, there are 335 branches of Waitrose or littleWaitrose - a supermarket chain culturally associated with gentrification and affluence. Of these, 197 are located in London or the south east...
Protected natural areas of land and water in the UK and Ireland.
This includes areas protected by international, European and national laws.
Even on our crowded islands, we can provide...
The Hollywood Movies Industry is compiling several information adn data towards the years in order to see the trends and patterns that has the greatest impact to increase Profitability of the moive...
Como resultado de una investigación acerca del lenguaje humano y la percepción del significado, se ha desarrollado Versolid. Un sistema de representación visual que permite traducir mediante...
Addiction recovery has traditionally been quantified by counting days of sobriety. This project is focused on showcasing a new measure being introduced to the addiction recovery community that...
Back in December 2020 the death of 300,000 Americans was already a staggering, incomprehensible loss. Little did we know then that the virus would take the loves of over six and a half million...
"Mapping American elections is difficult, and each mapping decision has its own strengths and weaknesses. Should one show raw margins, or percentages? Make the map easier to read geographically, or...
Can sound and visuals be used in tandem to accurately convey what chronic migraines feel like to someone who has never had the experience? What can a migraine look like? Sound
like? Is there a...
First discovered in 2015, LIGO and Virgo have since detected 50 gravitational wave events. These ripples through space time itself are caused by the violent collisions of black holes (and/or...
Yaps and fin slaps, growls and groans—whales use a wide range of sounds to communicate. But only five whale species are known to sing, with humpbacks the unrivaled musical masters of the sea. This...
This infographic shows the etymological descent of the names of the deities worshiped by some historical civilizations, from those of the oldest Indo-European pantheon. For each Indo-European...
The UN is promoting the compilation of a global database in order to know countries achievements towards a more sustainable sea. ‘Life Below Water’ is the 14th goal of Sustainable development for...
A collaborative project with CJ Mayes - visualising Manchester United's 2020/21 English Premier League Season. Understand how their form changed throughout the season, in addition to a stark...
About us:
We are the transaction/data service system used by most real estate agents in the state of Wisconsin, information on activity throughout our service is crucial to the livelihoods of...
Explore the constituents of the FTSE 100 (The 100 largest public companies listed on the FTSE exchange in the UK)
You can press the buttons to change the data metric you wish to compare the...
TheMathCompany empowers organizations with expert intelligence, solving complex business problems through simple, human-centric, and scalable solutions at speed. With people at the heart of...
In March 2021, I participated as a volunteer in Viz for Social Good's collaboration with Vera Aqua Vera Vita. “90 Seconds in Piura” is an interactive dashboard that shows the extent of the water...
Seven Days is an ongoing project where I gather volunteers' unique stories as data-sets and explore new ways of visualizing them through drawing. I work with participants to examine how art might...
During the quarantine, I noticed that my sleeping patterns changed (and not for the better). I tracked my sleep using the Calm app with its sleep log feature in order to investigate why I had...
A few years ago, my kids were taking very long showers. I wanted a way to explain to them how important water is and should be used sparingly but in a very simplified way that they could relate,...
This is the first part of a three-part series that comprised a detailed national investigation into police mishandling of sexual assaults reported in Australia. Australia’s sexual assault data is...