World Internet Penetration by Vanessa Ongodi Onyema

When the world wide web was first released publicly in 1991, it was quickly adopted. As technology advanced and its benefits became clear, many people started integrating the online world into their daily lives. How many people these days use the internet? According to the most recent data, the answer will be 4.95 billion in 2022. Since the internet's global adoption, the number of worldwide internet users has been increasing. The figure of 4.95 billion in 2022 represents a 6.2 percent year-over-year increase, the fastest since 2019.

According to the most recent data, the number of worldwide internet users has been steadily increasing over the last decade or so, and is now more than double what it was in 2014.

I decided to convey this information using a Beeswarm plot to show each country's internet penetration percentage and the average internet penetration by continent. I chose blue as the main color scheme for this visualization to represent the world wide web and planet earth.

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