These images have been produced using a recently published data visualization library. This JavaScript library enables high-quality raytraced data visualization using realistic materials and...
This graphic conveys to the reader which countries, by economic size, are at what stage in their central bank digital currency (CBDC) research, development, and implementation process. The larger...
There is no one interface that will address all needs. Chart choosers (such as in Excel) allow for rapid selection of chart forms. Shelf-builders (such as Tableau) allow for rapid data exploration....
Confusion Matrix:
a short video capturing a few scenarios, as a demo.
Implementation: Excel (without VBA code)
Music by HookSounds
Beta version available on site:
This business dashboard shows the tracking of sales ,profit and discount of a store (super-store dataset) regionally.. Those metrics were broken down into different entities for easier...
Data name: Gantt Chart for Project management (Version 5)
This is high Quality Gantt chart.
The purpose is to:
1.To track project progress
2.To know status
3.To inform and give informed...
SOM Architects has been selected for this study and has been categorised and reorganised to create an information retrieval website that can be adapted to other architectural practices.
The Power Switcher is an online tool for expert users that allows them to explore future energy scenarios in Switzerland.
Users can try out all kinds of options and find out what the effect of...
Explore the constituents of the FTSE 100 (The 100 largest public companies listed on the FTSE exchange in the UK)
You can press the buttons to change the data metric you wish to compare the...
FinDev Canada opened in 2018 with the goal of supporting the growth and sustainability of businesses in developing markets. After only two years of operations, they were ready to present their...
Demographic and market trends exacerbated by COVID-19’s impact on the workforce converged to worsen labor shortages, presenting important challenges for business and public policy leaders as the...
In this dashboard you can find information about all trading operation between TOP-10 European countries by GDP and answer the questions: who was the trade leader in this period, how this position...
Assuming companies as social complex systems and the network as a visualization and organizational paradigm, Intesa Organizational Knowledge Map is an experimental web application designed and...
Onboarding is the process of introducing newly hired employees to our organization's expectations, behaviours, and culture. COVID-19 has permanently altered how we work, and consequently, it has...
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a business loan program established by the United States federal government in 2020 to help certain businesses, self-employed workers, sole proprietors,...
This data visualization represents the admitted patient care activity in English NHS hospitals and English NHS-commissioned activity in the independent sector during 2019-2020. This dashboard...
Memorandum of the Pamplona Commonwealth of Municipalities, the institution responsible for water supply, waste treatment and public transport in the metropolitan area of the capital city. It...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The viz uses sample superstore data available in Tableau Desktop and delivers a...
This project depicts the evaluation data of our university between Winter 2015 and Summer 2018, it was created in late 2019. 3652 courses were evaluated by the students of FH Aachen and our project...
Visualizing 3iap timesheets for 10 dataviz client projects. How much time goes into researching, data-wrangling, designing, and building different types of data visualizations?
Every client...
How the robot Jack the Checker can help insurance companies with invoice audit.
Insurance companies get lots of invoices that they ought to check for errors before they pay. This audit is a...
hrough the prism of a patent professional, data analyst, and designer, Imagine X Lab team and partners develop new initiatives that demystify the complexity of design IP (Intellectual Property),...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. This viz displays a 360° overview of a project's status and key performance indicators...
In 2019, we were contacted by Ilmueo, a data science company, to collaborate with them in finding a way to create a powerful visual experience that highlighted all projects that they have done...
About us:
We are the transaction/data service system used by most real estate agents in the state of Wisconsin, information on activity throughout our service is crucial to the livelihoods of...
The visualization was created using Tableau software, and some design elements were created with Figma. It is a revamped version of the Web Traffic Dashboard originally published on the Tableau...
2021 was the year when we created our first ever greeting card, taking the form of a retrospective of our work. This project was made possible by one of the most visible aspects of the company's...
Metroverse is an urban economy navigator built at the Growth Lab at Harvard University. It is based on over a decade of research on how economies grow and diversify and offers a detailed look into...
Every year, Laudes Foundation publishes its annual report containing the institution's objectives, accomplishments regarding the previous years and challenges for the future. In 2021 we were proud...