These images have been produced using a recently published data visualization library. This JavaScript library enables high-quality raytraced data visualization using realistic materials and...
In this dashboard you can find information about all trading operation between TOP-10 European countries by GDP and answer the questions: who was the trade leader in this period, how this position...
Clippd is a powerful new performance platform for golfers and golf coaches. It allows users to input and connect their golf data to get a high-resolution picture of their game and understand where...
Malaysia is a multiracial, multilingual and multicultural country. The Chinese, as the second largest race, has also influenced the cultural development of the local society. Malaysian Chinese...
The project was done and published during my master program study at NYU Journalism Institute. In that semester, right after COVID first broke out in NYC, our cohort decided to create a web...
Go Green! And why not start with your electric consumptions?
An interesting article surfaced in Forbes just days ago, bringing forth good news!
The costs of renewable energy have continued to...
How do you visualise musical tastes across the world? That was the challenge we faced working on an article analysing five years of music streamed on Spotify.
This project looks at the decline...
Pulse of Love and Hate is an interactive and sonified data visualization of the hourly occurrence of the words 'Love' and 'Hate' on Twitter. Many users spend time reading various online news...
Using the American Time Use Survey in combination with commonly accepted research for how long it takes to accomplish common dream-oriented tasks such as running a marathon, reading the Bible, and...
Survey research reveals how Americans view Democrats and Republicans’ ideology, extreme positions and motivations. Surveyed voters placed themselves, the two parties and their respective voters on...
The challenge with "Environment in East Germany" was to present a heavy topic like environmental pollution in an interesting and light way without neglecting the seriousness of the issue. In an...
For years, community leaders, activists, and journalists have called out the level at which the deaths of Black women by US police have gone under-reported. In 2020, there was a noticeable shift,...
The pandemic has affected so many aspects of our lives, amplifying disparities and challenges that already existed. For far too many households simply having access to enough food to eat is a daily...
In this highly interactive visualisation, the user can select members of the French government, and see what companies they are related to, whether it is because they are a former employer, member...
Where do cosmic X-rays come from? Every new unidentified X-ray source has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the universe. Astronomers thus aimed at automatically classifying new...
This project is a visual essay called Game of Words. In it, I analyze and present narrative patterns in Russian state media during the war in Ukraine in a scrollytelling format. These findings...
The U.S. military and Hollywood have been actively working together since the dawn of American cinema.
This project visualizes more than 500 film productions (gathered with a FOIA) that have...
Less than half the world lives in a democracy.
Democracy is on retreat globally as it suffered more reversals in 2021 based on EIU'S Democracy Index 2021 report. The percentage of the world's...
The project provides an extensive overview of the Ukrainian conflict before it escalated into full-scale war after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 (the date of publication 24...
A visualization of the distributions of coffee bean rating results per country, evaluated by the Coffee Quality Institute's trained reviewers.
The main visualization shows the countries with 25...
Early on during the COVID pandemic the media were focusing on “flattening the curve”, trying to keep cases from growing exponentially. I started trying to figure out how much better or worse states...
The Arctic's dwindling sea ice is one of the most visible signs of climate change. In this story, we follow three scientists on a year-long expedition to the Arctic as they try to unravel what is...
At any one moment in time, thousands of measurements are being taken of the world’s weather. Across land, sea and sky, data is being gathered manually and automatically using a range of...
How far do people migrate between childhood and young adulthood? Where do they go? How much does one’s location during childhood determine the labor markets that one is exposed to in young...
They were the first ones on the dance floor, the first in their families to immigrate to the United States, the first to lend a helping hand or words of support. Grandma, Pop Pop, Butterfly, Coach,...
In the year after the Black Lives Matter protests, many US corporations promised to improve their record on diversity. Bloomberg obtained EEO-1 forms from 37 of the nation's 100 biggest companies,...
I published this data visualization of mine on April 21, 2021 and in short, I’m displaying the racial diversity for each of the four main acting categories winners.
The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, in recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up...
The attacks on media professionals are increasing day by day and there is little to no justice given. The numbers are really shocking so I decided to cover the insights on demographic, yearly...