My husband and I are avid fans of the Twitch stream, Critical Role, where "a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors get together to play Dungeons & Dragons." They love the fan art community, and since...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
This work comes from my personal love for ancient Chinese architecture, especially the modeling of garden architecture. I use information graphics to express the content of the work with more...
This piece visualises all the times that coffee is seen and spoken about in Brooklyn 99 season 3. Each small coffee ring circle represents a time coffee was seen with each large coffee ring...
As large amounts of genealogical data made open, people could trace back their family roots. Our data source is the China Biographical Database of Harvard University.
We further explored the...
“Eyes” is an interactive biometric data art that transforms human iris data into musical sound and 3D animated images. The idea is to allow the audience to explore their own identities through...
Dear Judges:
Election Confessions is a custom-built & custom-designed NBC News web app that lets readers share their innermost thoughts about the presidential candidates and lets NBC staff...
This map shows the many places mentioned in interviews with Anna Patipa and Jacob Brodman, two Holocaust survivors. You can follow the sequence of places in their accounts by noting the number of...
During the February 2019 skirmish between India and Pakistan, an Indian Mig-21 flown was shot down in a dogfight with Pakistani Air Force. This led to media scrutiny as to why the Indian Air Force...
What if Earth’s terrain was created by nighttime lights? This 3D web mapping experiment sheds some light on the question with a complete resculpting of our planet's surface.
Human light...
How is the world’s energy and electricity generated? What is the world’s largest power station? How does solar power compare to wind energy, geothermal energy or hydropower? How much of the world’s...
There is a big problem in economics regarding tragedy, as in this field someone's pain is normally reduced to a figure for commensuration, here I would like to address that.
Most people find it...
An infographic looking at two of Ben Stokes finest test innings for England. The comparison looks at the 135 scored vs Australia and the 258 against South Africa in 2016.
A visualization of my son's sleep pattern from birth to his first birthday. Crochet border surrounding a double knit body. Each row represents a single day. Each stitch represents 6 minutes of time...
"The international astronomical union officially defined the concept of planets in 2006. The new definition of planet excludes Pluto as a dwarf planet. There are only eight planets left in the...
Chicktopia means the utopia of chicken where the chicken follow their duties in this society, work hard, live their lives fast and finally achieve their noble goals as being products for human.I...
People depend on a healthy ocean. It regulates our climate, provides a vital food source for three million people and supports the livelihoods for hundreds of millions. But one of the biggest...
Each year, college football coaches work tirelessly to recruit top high school prospects for their programs. It’s the most unsung part of their jobs; even as they try to maximize the potential of...
Also women can harass men in different type of ways, but it seems that no one is willing to talk about it. Just like concrete, men are stereotypically considered strong, unbreakable. Bu exactly...
The project 'NHL Attendance' visulaizes home attendance of each team in each NHL season and also attendance ranking. The data represents as a circular bump chart. It's possible filtering teams to...
I was interested in visually exploring the communication between people and machines. I went about this by recording conversations between myself and Siri and then used the sound data from these...
The web application Emojinal Ranges analyses the tweets of the 100+ most followed celebrities on twitter regarding the use of emojis. At the center of the analysis is the scope and variance of the...
Global air pollution is getting worse and worse. This chart can help everyone better understand the types and components of pollutants in the atmosphere.
The World is losing its green cover and it is time we act. Our actions have caused such tremendous damage to nature that we may soon reach a point of existential crisis. The Infographic 'The Time...
Dos Juegos is an analysis and study of sports performance in contact sports from a different perspective.
This is an experimental project which analyses sport trajectories to empower the...
Running Hot And Cold visualizes the temperature differentials in my long-distance relationship. How far apart was the weather when we were far apart from each other?
9/11 came as a gift to NSA, giving them more power and freedom to have mass surveillances illegally. And not just through eavesdropping on our phones, they’ve found a new weapon to invade our...
Follow the Brick Road is an engaging look at the roads of Cincinnati, which ultimately focuses on the brick roads of the historic district, an area that was once rated at the most dangerous...