Climagon is a website which allows its visitors to select various datasets (temperature, precipitation, sea ice, sea temperature) and select a location within the range of the dataset. The site...
This visualisation shows the number of captive killer whales still alive in the US today. Amongst the 20 Killer Whales in captivity in the US that are still alive today, all but one are...
>> Seeing, researching and comprehending <<
The phenomenon of the sun has fascinated mankind time and again, influencing their lives for over thousands of years. But how can the...
In 2020, I undertook a 100 Days Project on Instagram. I designed 100 infographics that displayed information about herbs and spices and their growing, culinary, and healing uses. We’ve been using...
This is a visual experiment showing the global surface temperature anomalies situation over the course of ~130 years. Baseline is defined as the 1971 - 2000 average in degrees Celsius. Positive...
In an irregular and fragmented division, species habitats that are destroyed as roads are developed. Use color to distinguish species, so that the distribution of road killing species in various...
The scale and destruction from Australia’s 2020 bushfire season were unprecedented, fuelled by a prolonged drought that left the Australia’s east coast tinder dry.
The physical scale of the...
The map centres on the North Pole with the black circle representing Earth's northern hemisphere. The dark blue represents the minimum extent of sea ice in the Arctic in 1980. The mid blue...
The “Tokyo Eat Map” is an experimental data visualization in 3D with a “meta” reference to the data it displays.
It represents the density of restaurants in central Tokyo on a map, morphed into...
How much CO2 is emitted by producing wheat versus beef burgers, or by taking a transatlantic flight, or by different countries each year, or by the global shipping industry?
The media throws...
It often seems we're having two conversations about climate change, one about the science, and one about the politics — with the audience left trying to join the dots between the two. This story...
In recent years, the relevance of sustainable decision-making has continuously increased in solving society’s environmental challenges. Such decision-making should take a facts-based life cycle...
Accessibility is one of the drivers of health behaviours. This user-friendly interactive viz looks at location-related accessibility to facilities which may enable healthier lifestyle in Singapore....
Four full-page graphics show that no place in the world is safe from the consequences of climate change. Raging Fires devastate huge areas, and even in temperate climate zones, droughts wreck the...
This dataviz shows different types of forest fires in Russia over time. You can see how the dynamic of them changes over tie among different territories.
Data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) show that pasture and range conditions have been in decline for quite some time. Pasture varies in its uses but is important for harvesting...
The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, in recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up...
When 2020 Census data was released, FiveThirtyEight visual journalists Ryan Best and Elena Mejía used the new data to explore the extent of which racial segregation caused by redlining was still...
Global climate change is here. Each year, countries met for the Conference of the Parties (COP) to discuss ways to adapt to the current climate reality while mitigating climate change. In November...
Numerous statistics show Bucharest is one of the most polluted cities in the European Union. In addition, it ranks second in terms of the social costs of pollution, including premature death. To...
Animal movement represents the continuous succession of locations of an individual over time. By changes in movement, animals react to both internal stimuli and the environment. State-of-the-art...
The poster started with the idea that carbon dioxide is like a shadow on the earth. I produced the infographic in the hope that South Korea will achieve its 2030 reduction goal to drive out the...
This website renders every single road within a city. It uses OpenStreetMap public data and allows users to view roads of nearly all cities of the world, and if they so desire export them into SVG...
“Red sunsets, a natural miracle?” project illustrates the relationship between the presence of air pollution and the “red” color of sunsets.
The approach to data visualisation has here the aim to...
This data visualization gallery shows the sunrise and sunset times around the world. See how the night and daylight areas change during a two year period. To focus on the length of nights the y...
The Global Innovation Index provides an innovation ranking for 130 economies. It is a leading reference for innovation and a tool for action for most economies.
The UAE ranked 33rd in 2021’s...
Palm oil production has been an important driver for the deforestation of the rainforests. But replacing the controversial raw material is difficult. If we weren’t meeting global oil demand through...
Where do the people with the lowest salaries live, and where the people with the highest? Zeit Online shows the development of the past 20 years for all municipalities.
Dubai is known to be home to several expats who come here to make their livelihoods. While looking at a country's attractiveness and in order to make decisions to move and/or settle in a place, a...