On April 15th, a fire broke out on the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. Huge gray smoke floated into the sky which was reported by China News on April 16th.
Pipeline vandalism leads to scarcity and shortage of petroleum products, as well as decrease in electricity supply with the attendant socio-economic problems. Nigeria over the years has been...
China has a centuries-long history of displaying fireworks on Chinese New Year's Eve. As air pollution attracts more attention, fireworks became a target of criticism because they produce smoke and...
This visual story compares how Hong Kong and China apply the rule of law. The gap between the two systems is laid out and both jurisdictions are compared to the best and worst countries, as tracked...
A project that visualizes news coverage of murders in Mexico. A Machine Learning algorithm was created and trained to locate, collect, and analyze news stories online. After the data was filtered...
Reuters set up a camera on top of our Delhi bureau, capturing hundreds of images over October-November, historically the worst period of air quality each year in the Indian capital.
The graphics...
In 2008, the Australian government announced an “education revolution” -- a fundamental overhaul of a school funding system that had been in place in essence since 1974. Billions were poured into...
The earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia caused widespread destruction and killed more than 2,000 people.
As the amount of destruction was still coming to light, Reuters used a series of...
Pakistan restricted its airspace after an air strike in late February by the Indian military in northern Pakistan. The disruption forced international airlines to take costly and time-consuming...
This graphic was one piece of an investigative project by Newsy, Reveal and ProPublica that uncovered how dozens of police agencies in America are making rape cases look as if they are solved...
Did you know it’s not that hard to identify bots and automated accounts on social media? You can simply follow the traces they leave and their non-human behavior is easily revealed! Accurat turned...
#Observasegurança is a non-profit public safety data visualization tool.
With millions of data points comprising 4 different databases - including ones that have never before been made public -...
We went through the transcript of the hearing and noted every single time a question was asked of Ford and Kavanaugh. (We didn’t include the times a questioner didn’t ask an explicit question.)...
The infographics describes in detail the devastating blaze that struck the iconic Notre-Dame de Paris. The cathedral’s location in the city (for better clarity, the map shows the Louvre and the...
Our visualisation sheds a new perspective on the ongoing trade war between Japan and Korea. The first chart provides an overview of goods in which Korea recorded trade deficit and surplus...
This project used exclusive income and spending data for every school in Australia to show for the first time exactly how big the divide between rich and poor schools has grown.
The divide is so...
After two Boeing 737 MAX planes crashed within six months of each other, the Journal set out to answer the question of what went wrong in a visual explainer created with painstaking accuracy. This...
As a result of the increase of online population and connected technologies in daily life, an unprecedented amount of personal data is being generated and collected. The visualization explains the...
With the accumulation of urbanization and the population, the demand for air travel is expanding. Through the airport flights and airline data of 230 cities, the works have an insight into how the...
Nichelle Smith, an investigations team editor at USA TODAY, recalls attending a lecture at the Library of Congress in early 2018 where she listened to scholars discuss the landing 400 years ago of...
On May 23rd, 2019, election results of the World's largest democracy were announced in India. This is a visual exploration of the Indian general election results. It uses interactive cartograms to...
This infographic (researched and published primarily to inform Members of the Oireachtas / Irish parliamentarians) provides a visual, non-exhaustive overview of key (2017) performance statistics...
Over 300 Boeing 737 MAX planes were taken out of service within a week of Boeing’s second accident in five months. Banning planes from flying is rare and the 737 is only the eighth type of aircraft...
More than 5 million people in Kerala were affected and over 200 were killed amid torrential rain and floods in August 2018. The flooding, dubbed the worst to hit the southern state in nearly a...
The Butterfly Effect series examines some of the most unlikely chains of cause and effect through history. In February 2018 British fried chicken fans went hungry, as KFC restaurants up and down...
Identity Theft in the US dashboard shows the number of thefts that has occured in the US from 2001 to 2017. It also shows the demographics and the states which are mostly affected. Finally it also...
Each winter, a thick blanket of smog settles over vast swathes of northern India, including the capital, New Delhi. As wind speeds drop and nights get cooler, the problem is exacerbated as polluted...
This project, entitled "Visualization of climate data for the web", was developed as part of a master’s dissertation by the University of Coimbra. The Climate Change is a current issue and, with...