In this highly interactive visualisation, the user can select members of the French government, and see what companies they are related to, whether it is because they are a former employer, member...
Climagon is a website which allows its visitors to select various datasets (temperature, precipitation, sea ice, sea temperature) and select a location within the range of the dataset. The site...
Explorer of the top-rated games on My two main motivations were: (1) create separate leaderboards for games of different complexity (because the Top 100 page on BGG is dominated...
The Data Room was designed to function both as a live installation for the Seed Festival (Perugia, Italy) and as a digital platform living beyond the festival and sparking awareness and...
“5Years” Project by Camilla De Amicis, the project is a data visualisation summarising five years of a love story.
The idea starts from an awareness of the traces that are left spatially by living...
How can we give data physical form? And how might those creations change the ways we experience data and the stories it can tell?
Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven...
For this project I designed an infographic about the Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba. The main inspiration for the project were architectural blueprints. I used different tools such as graphics,...
The Qatar World Cup was one of the darkest sports competitions of recent times. A competition where multiple human rights were violated and the conditions of its construction were inhumane. In...
By the end of 2022, the number of refugees globally stood at 35.3 million, an increase of more than eight million from the year before, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for...
This data visualization attempts to show the interconnectedness of the Law & Order Universe by exploring the six US-based Law & Order shows, their episodes, and all of their characters,...
Brazil is the country with the largest number of murders of trans people. Expressing yourself as a member of the LGBT community in this country and fighting against homophobia is almost the same...
Inspired by Fotis Kangelaris' collection of masks from all over the world, the work "WORLD MASK NEURON" presents distinct approaches of art as depicted by Natalia Stamopoulou. The digital masks...
Vortex View is a public app for browsing, visualizing and downloading tropical cyclone imagery from the NOAA GOES-16 satellite mesoscale dataset. GOES-16 mesoscales are moveable satellite regions...
The Nobel Prizes are awarded to laureates who, "during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind" in accordance with Alfred Nobel's will of 1895. The five original prizes...
The Philippines has been experiencing rapid economic growth in the past 10 years, yet there is a huge contrast between economic development and poverty incidence among the regions. Did the rural...
Service design methodologies can support the design of ad hoc visualisation tools focused on user needs. We present a case study co-development of a visualisation tool for the analysis of public...
We analyzed a friendship and aggression network collected from a group of high school students (8th–12th graders). We depicted social behaviors among the studied subjects by designing a...
This business dashboard depicts sales across various regions, highlighting sales trends in different cities, manufacturers, and their products. It features a Month-to-Date comparison functionality,...
The so-called refugee crisis puts the EU to the test and gives an impetus to extreme political currents. But how many refugees are we talking about? Where do they come from?
We elaborated a...
Baseball is a sport rooted in rules and regulations. Everything in the game is standardized, planned, and coordinated, based on a guideline or precedent. Everything, that is, but the park itself:...
The reason for striking a blow at the Arab Republic was the incident on April 7 in the Syrian city of Dumas, where, according to some statements, chemical weapons were used.
This data visualization summarizes my WhatsApp chat with a close friend since August 2016. Text messages have been cleaned and analyzed in Python, charts prototyped in RAWGraphs and the data...
Banca Intesa Processes is an exploratory business analytics application that allows the organization to explore and audit risk management data to understand and manage the complexity. The...
Both men and women have crafted the world as we know it. Now, just for a minute, take a quick look around. Think about your work or your hobbies. How many women are a reference in those fields?