Data is based on crime incident reports provided by Boston Police Department (BPD) documenting the initial details surrounding an incident to which BPD officers respond.
The interactive scientific poster "Explore The Ocean" of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Marine Research explains complex marine science with a multi-touch display right on board the Hapag-Lloyd...
“Poltava, Сarl!” is a historical longread, filled with various maps, charts and pictures, dedicated to the 310th anniversary of the battle of Poltava. Both Russian and Swedish historians agrees on...
The Royal Dutch Cycling Federation wanted to attract more people to the fascinating sport of Freestyle BMX. Targeting live spectators and jury members, we developed an engaging platform that...
My graduate thesis was focused on how urban dataviz can be used to investigate the relationship between people’s perception of phenomena happening in cities, and data collected about them. I chose...
A lot of research has shown that there’s no causal connection between immigration and crime in the United States. But after one such study was reported on jointly by The Marshall Project last year,...
Data visualization of the number of martial arts organizations in the Chinese classic Jin Yong novels, the number of appearances, chapters, and organizational scales.
I had just moved to Singapore in Jun 2018. I remember there was a night when I took the subway back home at around 10 PM. Nearly half of the people on the subway were just coming back from work....
9/11 came as a gift to NSA, giving them more power and freedom to have mass surveillances illegally. And not just through eavesdropping on our phones, they’ve found a new weapon to invade our...
Visualizing Great Wall is an infographic book demonstrating Great Wall of China through 33 topics. Built hundreds of years ago, the Great Wall is usually considered merely as a tourist...
Commissioned by McMillan for Trend Micro, The Art of Cybersecurity is a series of images, together with a 4K animation born from cybersecurity threat data.
The work features three main...
"The Impatient List" is a storytelling piece that calls the general public 's attention to patients of the kidney transplant in the United States. Organ transplantation is a highly collaborative...
‘Visualizing Yemen's Invisible War’ is a multimedia special feature that explores the horrific consequences of US support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, using first-hand accounts from...
A visual analysis of winners of the Wimbledon Singles Title since the start of the open era in 1968. Champions are grouped by their nationality with radials representing each of the 6 decades.
With the collapse of investment bank, Lehman Brothers, the 2008 Financial Crisis became full blown economic downturn which eventually led to the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression of...
Visualization of bike sharing trips for a given time window of a business day to create a snapshot of commuting patterns. Selecting different periods of a day these patterns can be compared to...
Between 1973 and 2013, $367 billion of development aid has been distributed worldwide. Who has provided aid, and who has received it? This deceptively simple graphic shows the flows of global...
Mass shootings have increased by 57% in the last 3 years compared over the past 6 years. The US had 7 mass shootings in 2019, 12 in 2018 and 11 in 2017. In 3 years there have been a total of 30...
On April 17, 2019, Xinhua News Agency published "Dare! Superstars Fall" —Talking about the life story of Xia Suisheng, the pioneer of organ transplantation in China, and the status of domestic...
In December of 1997 Ana Orantes goes to television show in Canal Sur for tell her testimony, a history about gender-violene, years and years of domestic violence. That testimony was her sentence of...
This visualization looks at the win percentage over the past 25 years for the NCAA college football pre-season top 25 teams. The year 1994 is shown at the 12:00 position and each year can be...
London Greenground Map is an independent project by graphic designer Helen Ilus to support the sustainable ideas of National Park City movement. The idea of the Greenground Map is to envision...
The project 'Pantheon' visualizes information about top 1000 of the globally known people born within present day the world. The visualization is based on data of Massachussets Institute of...
Nowadays tourists are more aware of the rental available in their selected destinations. All in all, Airbnb has seen a phenomenal rise in Latam and this DataViz highlights a few trends to give an...
The 24 solar terms are the unique solar terms culture of China. With throttle the starting point of life is to want to do a north and south China for throttle value contrast as original from...
The infographic is used to showcase the current food situation in Nigeria following the Nigerian government's ban on availability of foreign currency for food importation.
A series of graphics produced to compliment the main SR15 report on the impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C. The FAQ graphics are intended to back up the graphics in the report and make the subject...
What remains when all is lost? Under the blankets tells the story of seven different homeless individuals — in Italy 43.595 — forced to live in degraded and painful conditions. The higher the...