Soil data is sampled at point locations (e.g. machine drill, excavation). For each location numerous attributes are recorded and often samples taken that are analyzed for a multitude of properties...
A lot of people move to Dubai, an emirate in United Arab Emirates, to start their own business and live the entrepreneurial life, given the relatively low corporate tax rates as well as the 0% tax...
We scraped satellite data showing how the drought impacting Australia’s east coast in 2019-20 was affecting water storage in what was then one of the driest, hottest years on record. In addition,...
This infographic was completed in spring of 2022, it required transforming data and facts into visualization to make information more available to larger audiences. I applied design solutions...
In 2020, walkability became an urgent necessity for people living in urban areas, due to the mobility standstill brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Inspired by the renewed interest in...
Video documentation:
How did people live in the 8th century? In an impressive way, users of the interactive application "Viking Walks" embark on a digital tour of...
In 2020, the western monarch butterfly population catastrophically declined to its lowest numbers since counts began – from 1.2 million in 1997 down to fewer than 2,000 butterflies. I created this...
Oil spills are an environmental disaster, with more than 1,700 oil spills occurring between the 20th and 21st centuries, spilling more than 5.7 million tons of oil into the sea.The impact of the...
Drawdown is the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline. This is the point when we begin the process of stopping further...
This dataviz shows different types of forest fires in Russia over time. You can see how the dynamic of them changes over tie among different territories.
This story opened up the world of climate risk and insurance to an entirely new audience through stunning, easy-to-follow visualisations and an interactive search tool that put proprietary data...
Water stress or scarcity does always need to be reflected in context. While some parts of the world are only sparsely populated, the impact and mitigation of water stress in densely populated areas...
Our noise maps show the levels of exposure to noise in London, Paris and New York. Use your mouse to explore the loudest and quietest spots. We’ve created this to help people learn more about noise...
My friends REALLY enjoy their fast food. Some even joke about not wanting to visit certain cities because there's not a Taco Bell close enough. I wanted to create this fun viz so that a user can...
Guadiana in Four Movements is an audiovisual piece that interrogates the present and future of the transboundary River Guadiana estuary (Iberian Peninsula). Crafted with found footage, images and...
The Great Baoen Temple is located outside the Zhonghua Gate, Qinhuai District, Nanjing City. It is the oldest Buddhist temple in China's history. The glass tower of the Great Baoen Temple is also...
Three days before the biggest flood in modern Australian history inundated the Northern Rivers, Lismore City Council was told by the NSW government that its concerns were “premature”. It was the...
Gender equity and advocating for women in leadership roles goes beyond checking a diversity box. Women are disproportionately effected by climate change and tend to have the long-term leadership...
Decline is a crochet representation of the estimated wild tiger population. The shoulder stripe is a baseline estimate from 1900, and the back stripes is the estimated population at 5 year...
More trees to save the climate of cities is an interactive longform developed by Dalk and published by the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore to explain how and why trees, and urban greenery in...
Weather is a topic that often comes up in casual conversation, and in an international world of many backgrounds, I have been increasingly interested in the weather and length of the day, which is...
Nearly 27% of the Netherlands is below sea level with a vast network of polders and dykes keeping the North Sea at bay. Where the cyan and magenta shapes meet it reveals this immense area of land...
Combining analysis of historical rainfall data with deeply reported explanatory graphics, this project provides a visual overview of shifting rainfall patterns, their causes and their consequences...
The Global Innovation Index provides an innovation ranking for 130 economies. It is a leading reference for innovation and a tool for action for most economies.
The UAE ranked 33rd in 2021’s...
What are satellites used for, who owns them and where do they orbit the Earth? Satellite Explorer is a web application that answers these questions by providing a visualization of the active...
The oceans are full of rubbish: around ten
million tons of plastic flood the world's oceans every year. Single-use plastic is mass-produced but rarely recycled. The structures for collecting and...
Imagine there is a new universal eco-rule: that the right to easily enjoy beach access derives from your plastic waste management. The more plastic you feed the ocean, the farther you walk to the...