The average person on earth would live 2.6 years longer if the air contained none of the deadliest type of pollution. Your number depends on where you live.
The entrant has supplied multiple...
XXXY City (Triple X, Y City) is a data visualization project analyzing the difference between women and men in New York City on seven factors – education, occupation, income, age, sex...
Japanese government publishes approximately 26,000 land values every year. We plotted these values from 1989, the peak of real estate bubble, to 2019, the latest.
You can see the latest value or...
We've created a detailed interactive map and analyzed recent election results in over 80,000 regions of Europe. We found many patterns – from the radical left to the extremist right.
OilMap is an independent initiative to monitor the Oil & Gas industry of the world promoting transparency and accountability in decision making and investment.
It's a web...
Nowadays tourists are more aware of the rental available in their selected destinations. All in all, Airbnb has seen a phenomenal rise in Latam and this DataViz highlights a few trends to give an...
My graduate thesis was focused on how urban dataviz can be used to investigate the relationship between people’s perception of phenomena happening in cities, and data collected about them. I chose...
When a train starts running from one station to the next station, conceptually, these two stations will temporarily be closer to each other. And that is exactly what this visualization shows:...
This map shows the many places mentioned in interviews with Anna Patipa and Jacob Brodman, two Holocaust survivors. You can follow the sequence of places in their accounts by noting the number of...
This is a visual information map of the tour around Yellowstone Park. A tour route was drawn up in the information map, including nine recommended sites. How far are they? What are the recommended...
Burning coal comes with a wide range of health impacts, and the corporations burning it are to blame. Just ten companies are estimated to be responsible for almost two-thirds of the health impacts...
Ever wondered what makes different countries similar? We've explored that question through the lens of machine learning and created an interactive data-driven map where countries are organized by...
This dashboard on moon missions was created with Tableau based on data from Wikipedia. It includes three visualizations: little white stars (bar chart), representing the number of launches which...
Every year Russia produces 70 million tons of waste, a tenth of which comes from Moscow. Garbage settles in landfills. RBC observed as landfills grew around the capital.
23 landfills around...
The Earth Overshoot Day is the day, when mankind's demand overstrains the ecosystem's supply of resources and services. This project breaks down the Earth Overshoot Day to continents and countries...
The world’s biggest election involved around 1 million polling stations spread across the country, from remote corners of the Himalayas to crocodile-infested mangrove swamps of the Andaman...
The map associates the prevalence of diabetes in London neighborhoods with the diversity of nutrients of 1.6B grocery purchases. In terms of diabetes prevalence, socio-economic conditions matter...
What if Earth’s terrain was created by nighttime lights? This 3D web mapping experiment sheds some light on the question with a complete resculpting of our planet's surface.
Human light...
Created using Tableau and Mapbox, this visualisation maps the reported sightings of Sea Turtles and modelled plastic pollution in the oceans around Greece.
The Green Party is on the road to success. In the European elections, they got a phenomenal result in Germany. But choosing Green doesn't always mean living ecologically. Less rubbish, more green...
We can learn a lot about a city and the everyday life of its inhabitants by looking at its mobility: spatial patterns show its zonification, modal distribution talks about socioeconomic...
This deeply researched piece debunks the popular myth of the Northern route becoming a global shipping artery through the Arctic. Detailed shipping, bathymetric and ice coverage data, presented in...
Nigeria’s dry season is tinderbox for farming land. If current patterns persist, violence is likely to erupt between farmers and cattle herders. One in search of water, the other in keeping their...
This interactive infographic captures the beauty and of population both at the country level and for each continent. Hovering over a country will highlight the country in the map key at the top....
How Europe moves shows labour migration flows within Europe.
In 2017 almost 13 million European citizens of working age were living in a European country other than their country of...
Our OS Maps users created over 300,000 public routes across Great Britain in 2018 (covering some 2,950,000 miles…) and we were curious to see where you most (and least) enjoy exploring.
Any visualization is a Rorschach test with each viewer seeing something different. Although the era of geographic discoveries is long gone, each of us can still become an explorer via automatically...
President Trump’s business entanglements continue to leave him with positions, assets, trademarks and other business interests in more than 30 countries. We mapped them out using data from personal...
A visualizations and animated time-lapse video of the aging buildings in Cincinnati, Ohio from 1800 to 2016. Created by Jeffrey A. Shaffer at
Additional link to YouTube...