The foremost social network focused on professionals, LinkedIn gathers valuable information on individual job-seekers, job-holders, and businesses worldwide. We work with LinkedIn to highlight some...
Applied Works conceptualized, designed and built Visi – an online dashboard that visualises real-time energy usage across London 2012 Olympic Park venues, Tower Bridge and the EDF Energy London...
Concept and design of a full-page visualization on the topic of linguistic diversity for the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. The visualization shows the 99 most common languages in the form of speech...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
Billionaires is a visualization of all humans with a capital over dollar. The data comes from but the way the information is visualized provides a...
What if we could see a baseball player's offensive stats all at once? These are radar charts, but try to think of them as fingerprints of offensive output.
This graphic is a visualization of the history of US state boundaries. It gives an overview of current and past state boundaries throughout the country's entire history, combining time and space in...
Mobile advertising is on the rise. Millward Brown Brasil developed a study to understand more of this universe. Share of time spent has changed with the possibilities brought by smartphone...
An outbreak of green algae, or hutai in Chinese, has invaded the seawaters off eastern Shandong. It looks harmless and lots of fun, as beachgoers are pictured frolicking in the green mass. But...
Urban World helps navigate the unprecedented global wave of urbanization. Users can compare GDP, population and household income for more than 2,600 cities worldwide, in 2010 and in one scenario...
Released in April this year, How far is it to Mars? is an Interactive infographic based around one beautifully simple concept: Showing the distance between the Earth and Mars as a long scrolling...
The OrgOrgChart (Organic Organization Chart) project looks at the evolution of a company's structure over time. A snapshot of the Autodesk organizational hierarchy was taken each day between May...
This visualization shows the number of grand operas in europe, subdivided by author (the outer ring) and by city (the inner shapes).
Each city is represented with a polygon in which each vertex...
Growing up on robots in movies has always got me wondering if there was ever an epic battle then who would win. Obviously size and firepower would be an advantage, but the biggest robots in movies...
The Nature of Overfishing is an interactive Web aquarium that tells the tale of the world's fish populations over the last 100 years. While there was once big "predatory" fish and small "prey" fish...
When President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2012, the bill included a requirement that companies cover the cost of FDA-approved contraceptive drugs and services...
We take the two most nit-picking characters from Downton Abbey, Carson the butler and Lady Violet the dowager countess, and track everything that provoked them across three seasons and one...
Manchester City won 2012′s English Premier League. But what if there were no goal-keepers allowed? We visualise how the final table would have looked if the rules of the game were tweaked.
TNS has been a partner of Nokia since 2010 for the evaluation of their retail execution through a global Mystery Shopping Program across 14 markets. Considering the rapid pace of introducing new...
8 Phases of The Moon is an educational infographic poster explaining what causes the different phases of the moon during the Lunar month. In addition, the graphics illustrate the difference ...
Many of the defining forces of our time — the rise of the digital age, the globalization of the economy, the decline of American competitiveness — can be understood through one simple thing: a...
A portrayal of recurring sounds in the “Sirens” chapter of Ulysses. The implied musicality of this chapter, coupled with the mechanistic-if-it-were-not-intentional recurrence of certain words,...
Comparative analysis between the number of smokers and total population of the european union member states. The indicator is defined as the number of current tobacco smokers among the population,...
Germany–s energy market faces a revolutionary turn towards renewable energy. Siemens is one of the leading companies pushing this shift forward with several product novelties and concepts. This...
Tech geeks, film fanatics, and music lovers UNITE! It's that time of year again when we all descend en masse to Austin, TX for ten days of panels, screenings, and parties. That's right. We're...
I designed this infographic after being inspired by a post on the Economist's website. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) created a –Where To Be Born Index' in 1988 and now again in 2013. The...
A map of Rome dedicated to horror movies shot during the years in the city. From "Profondo Rosso" by Dario Argento, to "Tomb Raider" played by Angelina Jolie.
A day before I was given a brief to present information on a personal habit over a period of a week I started a very bland and uninteresting low carbohydrate diet because I have previously been...