An interactive tool to help you find the right meeting times with people around the world, the World Chat Clock visualizes for the overlay of office and stretch hours between cities. When left...
'First World War' is an ambitious interactive experience about World War I, created by Kiln in partnership with the Guardian's multimedia team to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the...
After more than 40 years, Studs Terkel’s Working remains one of the best-known non-fiction books ever published. What’s truly remarkable is the fact that this is not a book about wars, politics or...
This interactive visualization supported the Center for Public Integrity's "Breathless and Burdened: Dying from Black Lung, Buried by Law and Medicine" series, which exposed how eminent doctors and...
Are global CO2 emissions still rising? asks some clear questions about CO2 emissions and answers them with visualizations based on the data from the annual report on global CO2 emissions by PBL...
Displayed on touchscreens and mobiles at HP Discover Las Vegas, HP What Matters uses data visualization to showcase the results of a survey of 3 500 IT executives.
This interactive visualization is mainly aimed at the researchers and policy makers of two large Dutch medical research centers, AMC and VUmc. These centers recently started a large-scale research...
RAW is an open web tool developed at the DensityDesign Research Lab (Politecnico di Milano) to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing d3.js library. Primarily conceived...
Carbon Visuals has created a four-minute film to help world leaders, industry experts, campaigners, scientists and the wider public understand the scale of emissions from fossil fuels. In...
This visualization analyzes the 20 most popular stations in San Francisco in four different areas, and in doing so, it creates a more detailed, nuanced and complex image of the Bay Area Bike Share...
The first massive open online course, or MOOC, launched in September 2008 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Via the web, anyone could attend the class on learning theory, and 2,000 people...
As has been recently documented by the press, one of the major challenges that CitiBike is facing is the rebalancing of their stations. As origins and destinations of CitiBike trips are not...
After the disappearance of Flight 370, readers had a hard time understanding how difficult the search for plane's black box would be. This graphic shows just how challenging the search is.
'What makes you tick' is a multimedia, interactive feature to explain how your biological clock affects the body’s natural rhythm and when disturbed can lead to serious consequences. The body clock...
The artwork shows a possible new structure and reorganization of the U.S. Army, from redistribution of expertise in new military units, to definition of the aspects and equipment to enhance,...
The Bloomberg Industry Leaderboard is the data visualization component of Bloomberg's new franchise The Year Ahead. This tool compares 55 global industries and the 600 market leaders within them...
Formed by the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications in 1989, Time Warner quickly became the world's largest media conglomerate, with divisions that include Warner Bros. Entertainment,...
A global survey by Zumtobel and Fraunhofer IAO, concerning the quality of light in offices provides important insights for user-centered light planning. The study proves, that innovative lighting...
Drugs, guns and sex. Also some data in a project that opens up the Czech crime statistics for the first time in history. Comprehensive and appealing look into police statistics. An important voice...
Which writers were fast friends - and who had book-throwing beefs? Unpick the cliques and clans of 20th century literature with the visualisation for the Open University.
Originally in Flash...
The Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS) is a one-stop web platform to access community-based flood conditions, forecasts, visualizations, inundation maps and flood related data, information, and...
What music do people listen to? How does their taste change with time? Where do new music styles come from?
A.Track.Tion is a data visualisation aimed at shedding light on these deep and...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
As T.S. Eliot said,
'Mankind cannot bear very much reality'.
His own answer was Anglo-Catholicism but what irrational beliefs sustain other people in the UK?
An interactive data visualization of constitutions around the world. The project shows 225 years of new constitutions, amendments and other events, using data from the Comparative Constitutions...
How generous are the top 50 S&P 500 companies' 401(k) plans? Use our tool to compare plans and calculate how much money you would save under each company's plan.
Journey with me... on a stationary bike. Several styles of indoor cycling classes are prevalent today; join me as I guide you through one of my typical classes, which I teach between bouts of...