The BBC commissioned TellyJuice to create a short explainer film about week by week Pregnancy, in a clear and concise yet informative style. The film needed to cover fertilisation through to the...
The Center for Public Integrity's “Dark Money Inc.” investigation uncovered more than $173 million in political contributions from about one-third of the 300 largest companies in the United States...
The interactive visualization reveals the global evolution of trade agreements from 1948 until 2009. The tool not only displays the increase in the number of agreements and country connections over...
The Swiss Public Value Atlas compares the public value generated by the top 50 companies. The ranking can be analyzed by 4 dimensions: Fulfillment of tasks, social cohesion, moral and quality of...
The Bloomberg Industry Leaderboard is the data visualization component of Bloomberg's new franchise The Year Ahead. This tool compares 55 global industries and the 600 market leaders within them...
How generous are the top 50 S&P 500 companies' 401(k) plans? Use our tool to compare plans and calculate how much money you would save under each company's plan.
“Flights to Milan” visualizes the daily flights to Milan from all worldwide cities. Expo 2015 will be hosted in Milan, Italy. It is important to show how the city is connected to the rest of the...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
This interactive visualization supported the Center for Public Integrity's "Breathless and Burdened: Dying from Black Lung, Buried by Law and Medicine" series, which exposed how eminent doctors and...
Carbon Visuals has created a four-minute film to help world leaders, industry experts, campaigners, scientists and the wider public understand the scale of emissions from fossil fuels. In...
Winter 2013, China suffered large-scale invasion of haze, which is extremely harmful to human health. The project investigated the cause of haze in the Yangtze River Delta region. The visualization...
In advance of the 86th Academy Awards, Beutler Ink created a poster commemorating each of the past Best Picture winners. The list includes those certified classics you’ve seen a million times—like...
"In flight" is a live data-driven interactive documentary created by Kiln for the Guardian to mark the centenary of commercial aviation. It combines a cutting-edge real-time interactive map of...
How the group of cyclists, known in the cycling world as peloton, went from a uniformly French, then European bunch, to a multicolored, multicultural, plurilingüistic mass later? The interactive...
This video imagines a future where Earth has been ravaged by wars, cyclones, food shortages, destructive weather and turned into areas of uninhabitable zones. And yet cities would still make bids...
Working with technologist Ekene Ijeoma, we created an interactive experience that illuminates where and when refugees emigrate, as well as the complex stories of political, social and economic...
Conflicts, elections and politics, sports and weather, the public focus is constantly changing. Hardly any topic gets enduring attention and new headlines dominate media everyday. But how long does...
The food we buy matters. As our food systems become increasingly complex, the food we choose to consume affects not only our own health, but also the environment, our ethical framework, the Earth's...
Drugs, guns and sex. Also some data in a project that opens up the Czech crime statistics for the first time in history. Comprehensive and appealing look into police statistics. An important voice...
After more than 40 years, Studs Terkel’s Working remains one of the best-known non-fiction books ever published. What’s truly remarkable is the fact that this is not a book about wars, politics or...
‘Figure it Out’, or FIO, beautifully displays the time zones you work and play in.
A minimal time zone site and chrome extension that allows you to add up to ten time zones of your choice,...
The visualization returns a map of the thirty countries that receive more aids from the European Union.
The size of the countries on the map are changed in proportion to the funds received....
For the website, we developed an interactive data visualization, containing infographics. This interactive infographic gives insight into the different biomass chains that are...
100 Years of Rock is an ambitious visualisation that displays a century’s worth of musical history. Lasting 33 seconds, the automated scrolling animation leads you through the many evolving genres...
What music do people listen to? How does their taste change with time? Where do new music styles come from?
A.Track.Tion is a data visualisation aimed at shedding light on these deep and...