IN COLLABORATION WITH CJR, a team of Columbia Journalism School students transformed our Pulitzer demographics database into an interactive graphic. This project, part of a graduate course on media...
The daily commutes of more than 130 million Americans have been used to identify commuter-based megaregions in the United States for the first time. The project was published in the academic...
The 2016 count of the homeless population, taken in January, revealed that our county has more than 43,000 people living on the street or in shelters. (Long Beach, Glendale and Pasadena were not...
In many Western countries, there is a significant divide between rural and urban attitudes. Does the same hold true for Germany? To find out, we took a closer look where people live and what...
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought to allay American’s fears of North Korea’s nuclear threat by saying, “Americans should sleep well at night,” we asked, should we? What would happen if...
Who are the key climate change influencers on Twitter? To find out, Carbon Brief and Right Relevance embarked on a year-long collaboration to collect and analyse 13 million climate-related tweets...
A collaboration lead by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects, with GenSpace, Weill Cornell Medical College and the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, the BK BioReactor is an investigation into the unseen...
High-speed rail has developed rapidly in China in recent years. Its maximum speed has recently increased, to 350 kilometers per hour, and it has shortened the trip from Beijing to Nanjing to 3.5...
With the development of science and technology, people in the future will be able to set up a lunar orbiting laboratory, and use the moon as a foothold for more distant planets. Flying to the moon...
The ‘BFI Filmography’ is a collection of over 10,000 film titles condensed into one dashboard of interactive data visualisations.
Launched in September 2017, it is the largest public searchable...
The dataviz project tries to visualize the growth potential for all products and countries worldwide to support small and medium-sized enterprises in least developed & developing countries to...
This infographic creates a narrative built out of qualitative data which maps India’s nuclear journey since colonial independence. The story outlines how a country marred by the pangs of separation...
Can a metaphor with animated weather icons track the economic well-being of the United Kingdom and show the impact of Brexit over time? Here is our attempt at adding a little levity to an important...
Charts often aggregate across time to simplify the numbers. Instead, for this visual made for Scientific American, the focus has been on visualizing the number of babies born across different time...
The timing of price moves in British markets suggeststh some investors are informed about sensitive, unpublished economic data; a phenomena traders have complained about for years. We visualized 5...
I went through the New York Times Best Seller list in fiction from 1950 to present, and for each year measured the ratio of books-written-by-women to books-written-by men and tracked that over...
The rocket tests of recent years show that North Korean missiles are no longer limited to targets across Asia. Their ultimate and preferred target, the US, is now within reach of its latest...
This is a video we release every year to promote a study highlighting the 10 social media trends that will shape the year (and years) ahead. Past years the video was more infographic / motion...
This photoviz about the market of chocolate is entirely made out of chocolate.
We used chocolate bars to make a treemap, chocolate topping to draw a line graph, chocolate powder (and glue) to make...
Women in government in the modern era are under-represented in most countries worldwide. Even though some progress has been made during the last two centuries, and women are increasingly...
We looked through decades of rap lyrics and categorized every mention of Donald Trump and other presidential candidates, and presented the results with graphics, sound and an interactive database.
In college I studied Computer Science and forgot how to talk to women. There just weren’t any of them, anywhere (or if there were, they were in hiding). As the only straight woman within reach, I...
We plotted every country’s national record in the 100-metre dash. Hit “start the race” to find out where each country’s fastest sprinter is when Usain Bolt — the fastest man ever — reaches the...
This visualization tracks the entire history of every team in the NFL. The bar charts above the line show winning seasons and below show losing seasons; gold bars indicate Super Bowl wins. The...
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have played Google’s game Quick, Draw! prompting us to ask what takeaways it might have for global culture, like whether your location and language...