As our access to fresh water becomes threatened and the demand for virtual water is increasing, the need for understanding and knowing our virtual water footprint is essential. This series of...
Unmask My City is a global air pollution and health initiative engaging doctors and health professionals in actions to improve urban air quality. Shot in 10 cities in 7 countries, each place was...
This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size. The generation method is rather arbitrary, the goal is to produce a nice looking map, not an accurate model of a city....
The digital realm and the physical world are not entirely separate; they communicate, reflect, and engage in debate with each other. Considering this relationship, the following question arises:...
In an irregular and fragmented division, species habitats that are destroyed as roads are developed. Use color to distinguish species, so that the distribution of road killing species in various...
The impact of internet use on the environment is a contradictory topic. This impact differs according to the reduction/increase of carbon emissions that end up affecting the environment. For...
New York City's transportation system moves millions of people every day, from MTA buses to regional Metro-North rail lines to the omnipresent subway . Multimodal Symphony animates 24 hours of NYC...
The UNICEF Global Database on School-Age Digital Connectivity tracks the percentage of children 3 to 17 who have internet connectivity at home.
The United Kingdom has the highest percentage at...
The map centres on the North Pole with the black circle representing Earth's northern hemisphere. The dark blue represents the minimum extent of sea ice in the Arctic in 1980. The mid blue...
Having streets in Hungary named after a Hungarian historical figure is nothing unusual. It’s by no means that unheard of to have streets in neighboring countries bear said name, provided that...
What aspects of our modern life can be found at any place and in any scale?
A neighborhood, city, and region are analyzed by uniformly displaying selected data in the same four fields: Economy,...
A staple of acrylic planes holds the people of the continents ( Halma figures) as tenants with their accumulated wealth (as red LEGO bricks) for furnishing, the stock of foreign investment...
President Trump signed in March orders to reverse the previous administration’s energy policies, a move that he framed as “an end to the war on coal” and that comes amid a drop in the fuel’s use....
In order to allow an in-depth, more detailed exploration of the issues addressed in the interactive survey, a further step in the application user-flow allows people to access more complex...
Public transit maps occupy a unique place in the mapping world. Unlike most maps, which are designed to satisfy a single purpose, transit maps must strike a careful balance between readability,...
While Canada is well-known for its winters, it is also home to deadly urban heat waves. But where are the areas most affected by extreme heat? And who lives in them? Answering these simple...
Dear Judges:
More than six million people visited the Grand Canyon National Park in 2018. In 2019 people kept coming, undeterred by the three deaths in the first three months of the year. Since...
Goal 11 of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This project starts with UN Goal 11 and...
Working with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) we designed and produced a highly accessible, interactive data tool that allows users to explore how US energy usage and production has changed...
An interactive map of all of London's nature reserves and designated wildlife sites, Nature Reserves of London encourages Londoners and visitors alike to explore the wealth of woodland, wetland,...
Dubai is known to be home to several expats who come here to make their livelihoods. While looking at a country's attractiveness and in order to make decisions to move and/or settle in a place, a...
How Europe moves shows labour migration flows within Europe.
In 2017 almost 13 million European citizens of working age were living in a European country other than their country of...
What the Street!? is a data visualisation project by moovel lab for the interactive exploration of mobility space in cities around the world. It compares how fairly cities allocate urban space...
As a follow-up to last week’s visualization of Old Light and New Light, I wanted to make a single map, of the whole world, comparing NASA’s new 2016 Earth At Night image to the 2012 version. Using...
Water stress or scarcity does always need to be reflected in context. While some parts of the world are only sparsely populated, the impact and mitigation of water stress in densely populated areas...
Wild animals are an indispensable part of nature and an important partner of ours. In the past hundred years, due to the continuous deterioration of the living environment of mankind and...
In summer 2016, there were a series of massive floods in China, affecting more than ten million people and killing thousands across the country. In some regions of northern China, the loss was...
They are the foundation of life on Earth, providing food, medicine, building materials and clean air but across the world, plant species are disappearing fast.
The world contains around 423,000...