London Greenground Map - 2nd edition by Helen Ilus

The second London Greenground Map is extended version of the first map published as an independent project in the spring of 2019 to inspire people walk and cycle through green spaces and along the waterways, reimagining London as a large walking (and cycling) network and encouraging to see cities beyond transport systems.

The tube style second map covers more ground breaking out from London Orbital and creating connections with the countryside beyond. With 800 parks and open spaces, 18 green & blue lines and an Art Line it's a significantly bigger map with a strong outdoor focus - including connections to long distance walks, selection of camping sites and Brompton docks. The second map was published digitally and as A2 paper map in the spring of 2021.

Some of the information used on the map is crowdsourced in a similar way as for the first map and includes the suggestions from the public and organisations. The Art line for example was added by a the request from The Line ( and around 25% of new open spaces were suggested by people. By keeping the map open for suggestions the map continues to grow organically.

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