How many daylight hours do we experience and how high does the sun reach in our sky? This piece reflects summer in the Southern Hemisphere and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Each vertical bar...
This visualization was created as part of the Viz4ClimateAction initiative hosted by Tableau and TheSDGVizProject. It features 4 different visuals that walk users through the story of climate...
Coastal cities need billions of dollars to build defenses against sea level rise. Tensions are growing over where that funding will come from: taxpayers or private companies with waterfront...
The design work for this book, its maps and graphics, was commissioned by Instituto Socioambiental. The book is the product of a partnership between RAISG (Amazonian Network of Georeferenced...
A data visualisation outlining the volume of air pollutants pumped out in Europe through industrial activities (e.g., burning fossil fuels, raising livestock etc.) and their relative scale and...
Heartbeats. is an info-art piece to make the heartbeats of animals visible and audible. More than 150 species of animals are going extinct every day. Perhaps considering the beating, breathing...
“Red sunsets, a natural miracle?” project illustrates the relationship between the presence of air pollution and the “red” color of sunsets.
The approach to data visualisation has here the aim to...
The map of nesting biogeography is based almost exclusively on nesting data that were provided by members of the
WIDECAST network to create the Atlas of Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat for the Wider...
The Sankey-bump chart visualises the global agricultural land use by regions and consequently the increasing impact of us humans reflecting the rising population figures over the last decades and...
What's one of the first things you think of when you think of moving or visiting a new place? If you said climate or weather, you're right! According to the National Centre for Atmospheric Science...
The “Tokyo Eat Map” is an experimental data visualization in 3D with a “meta” reference to the data it displays.
It represents the density of restaurants in central Tokyo on a map, morphed into...
The embattled Old City of Jerusalem has grown over the centuries into an architectural patchwork reflecting the styles, beliefs, and priorities of conquerors past. The rulers who rebuilt or...
Wovoka is the transparency and insights layer to the voluntary carbon offsets market. Our platform ingests project-level information from the 4 major offset registries in real time, merges it with...
Haller’s Journey is an immersive story map inviting the reader to follow along the botanical journey of Albrecht von Haller, an 18th-century botanist, and physician. In 1739, Haller left his...
Climate change and its impact on the planet is a topic that can NOT be talked about too much.
With this visualization, I wanted to draw attention to climate change through the story of Polar...
There are over 3000 memorial plaques and commemorative signs in Berlin. They commemorate Nazi Germany, the Berlin Wall and famous personalities of the city's history. Together, they shape Berlin's...
Oil spills are an environmental disaster, with more than 1,700 oil spills occurring between the 20th and 21st centuries, spilling more than 5.7 million tons of oil into the sea.The impact of the...
Think of all the things you observe during the day. How much time do you take to actually stop and notice them? There is so much data in our environments, sometimes it just takes a moment of pause...
When 2020 Census data was released, FiveThirtyEight visual journalists Ryan Best and Elena Mejía used the new data to explore the extent of which racial segregation caused by redlining was still...
This visualisation shows the number of captive killer whales still alive in the US today. Amongst the 20 Killer Whales in captivity in the US that are still alive today, all but one are...
This article written and researched by Elena Sanz, portrays the history and current context of the most expensive neighborhood in Madrid (Spain): The Salamanca neighborhood. Together, the editor...
This visualisation explores which countries in 2010 produced the largest amount of plastic waste and what percentage of this was inadequately managed, but more importantly how does this management...
This story opened up the world of climate risk and insurance to an entirely new audience through stunning, easy-to-follow visualisations and an interactive search tool that put proprietary data...
Dubai is known to be home to several expats who come here to make their livelihoods. While looking at a country's attractiveness and in order to make decisions to move and/or settle in a place, a...
Video documentation:
How did people live in the 8th century? In an impressive way, users of the interactive application "Viking Walks" embark on a digital tour of...
Gender equity and advocating for women in leadership roles goes beyond checking a diversity box. Women are disproportionately effected by climate change and tend to have the long-term leadership...
In an irregular and fragmented division, species habitats that are destroyed as roads are developed. Use color to distinguish species, so that the distribution of road killing species in various...
The Global Innovation Index provides an innovation ranking for 130 economies. It is a leading reference for innovation and a tool for action for most economies.
The UAE ranked 33rd in 2021’s...
While the world watched on in horror as Australia burned, ABC News Story Lab was working to convey the immense impact of the 2019-20 bushfires. To do this we turned to the only resource capable of...