Born to fly: The life, journey, and trials of a migratory bird by Kontinentalist

This was a data-driven story created in collaboration with Birdlife International and the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force. It portrays how the conservation of migratory birds, which travel widely, requires the protection of habitats across the globe.

Many people are either unfamiliar with or apathetic about migratory bird conservation, which is why we wanted to produce an engaging digital story that was public-friendly yet rigorous. Using data from our partner organisations, we used different data visualisation techniques to bring the reader through the journey following migratory birds.

We firstly used a dynamic map to show the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and migratory routes of various species. Readers can explore conservation efforts on the ground using interactive pins and toggles, and the story’s hand-drawn illustrations helped to attract considerable attention on social media.
