The second London Greenground Map is extended version of the first map published as an independent project in the spring of 2019 to inspire people walk and cycle through green spaces and along the...
The map centres on the North Pole with the black circle representing Earth's northern hemisphere. The dark blue represents the minimum extent of sea ice in the Arctic in 1980. The mid blue...
Oil spills are an environmental disaster, with more than 1,700 oil spills occurring between the 20th and 21st centuries, spilling more than 5.7 million tons of oil into the sea.The impact of the...
In New York City, currently around 2 million people commute in and out of the city by car every day; only 1% of these cars are currently electric. Hence, with the goal of achieving an electrified...
NYC honorary street names, or co-names enacted by the City Council, can be found above or below the primary street-name signs throughout the five boroughs of NYC. Over the 30 years enactment of...
Interactive visualisation that can be used to view average CO2 emissions of cities worldwide at a glance, as well as to dive into the data for a specific city – both its emissions and trends over...
This project uses satellite imagery to find the average colors of each US county across 2020. It was an awful year, and I found a form of solace in zooming out, ignoring all our human activities,...
The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, in recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up...
Today, cities all over the world are working to provide their residents with services that are accessible within a 15 minute walk. But, which cities are leading this change? Which cities need to...
This 4 in 1 journalism, designed in 2020 and launched in 2021, reflects the severe situation of global plastic pollution in the past 10 years since 2010 and gives its prediction by 2025 based on...
A series of maps showing counties in the US that have more livestock than residents. The main map shows counties that have more cows, pigs, and/or chickens than residents, using a fun Venn diagram...
This data visualization gallery shows the sunrise and sunset times around the world. See how the night and daylight areas change during a two year period. To focus on the length of nights the y...
This visualization shows the changes in energy consumption for 60 countries over a 50 year period. Each chart shows not only how total energy consumption has changed over that time, but also how...
From Shanghai to Seattle, the world’s cities are built on sand - massive amounts of sand. It’s in the cement and concrete that make the bulk of most buildings. The glass in those buildings’ windows...
The Global Innovation Index provides an innovation ranking for 130 economies. It is a leading reference for innovation and a tool for action for most economies.
The UAE ranked 33rd in 2021’s...
Think of all the things you observe during the day. How much time do you take to actually stop and notice them? There is so much data in our environments, sometimes it just takes a moment of pause...
A data-driven portrait of UAE’s milestones, population, and GDP over 50 years.
Data is powerful. When used correctly, it can tell an even more powerful story. Using 379 data points i.e. 50 years...
How much CO2 is emitted by producing wheat versus beef burgers, or by taking a transatlantic flight, or by different countries each year, or by the global shipping industry?
The media throws...
The map of nesting biogeography is based almost exclusively on nesting data that were provided by members of the
WIDECAST network to create the Atlas of Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat for the Wider...
Gender equity and advocating for women in leadership roles goes beyond checking a diversity box. Women are disproportionately effected by climate change and tend to have the long-term leadership...
An interactive map of Moscow in which you can explore the different periods and styles of architecture. In this work I wanted to share the architectural variety of Moscow, demonstrating through...
This article written and researched by Elena Sanz, portrays the history and current context of the most expensive neighborhood in Madrid (Spain): The Salamanca neighborhood. Together, the editor...
Water stress or scarcity does always need to be reflected in context. While some parts of the world are only sparsely populated, the impact and mitigation of water stress in densely populated areas...
My visualization depicts the 2021 Michelin Guides list of 143 restaurants with 3 Michelin stars. Michelin star is the ultimate hallmark of culinary excellence. Michelin stars are awarded to...
I have never been to Singapore but I found that if I took a nice evening walk my eyes would not experience any kind of nocturnal adaptation because the artificial twilight is so bright that it...
At the heart of climate change lies the increasing amount of fossil fuel emissions and the consequent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Since the beginning of the industrial...
This dataviz shows different types of forest fires in Russia over time. You can see how the dynamic of them changes over tie among different territories.
A few years ago, my kids were taking very long showers. I wanted a way to explain to them how important water is and should be used sparingly but in a very simplified way that they could relate,...
Back in the 1970s, activist Jane Jacobs theorized urban vitality and found that there are four conditions required for the promotion of life in cities: diversity of land use, small block sizes,...
The scale and destruction from Australia’s 2020 bushfire season were unprecedented, fuelled by a prolonged drought that left the Australia’s east coast tinder dry.
The physical scale of the...