In order to allow an in-depth, more detailed exploration of the issues addressed in the interactive survey, a further step in the application user-flow allows people to access more complex...
Apart from waypoints and natural jet streams, there are many man-made constraints such as political, legal and financial restrictions on airspace. Countries use airspace to collect fees or leverage...
This is a visual information map of the tour around Yellowstone Park. A tour route was drawn up in the information map, including nine recommended sites. How far are they? What are the recommended...
In October 2018, the first official Central Park Squirrel Census was conducted in New York City. The project — which involved 323 volunteer Squirrel Sighters and took two years to plan, execute,...
My graduate thesis was focused on how urban dataviz can be used to investigate the relationship between people’s perception of phenomena happening in cities, and data collected about them. I chose...
The STS Transit for Art, Design, and Performance map was designed as a visual guide to the book chapter “Art, Design, and Performance” from The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. As an...
The World is losing its green cover and it is time we act. Our actions have caused such tremendous damage to nature that we may soon reach a point of existential crisis. The Infographic 'The Time...
Dear Judges:
More than six million people visited the Grand Canyon National Park in 2018. In 2019 people kept coming, undeterred by the three deaths in the first three months of the year. Since...
I've focussed on data and the opportunities for better understanding cities in continuous movement, in this example, I’m having fun using Waze data with Python and R scripts in Power BI that...
OilMap is an independent initiative to monitor the Oil & Gas industry of the world promoting transparency and accountability in decision making and investment.
It's a web...
Citygraph is a chart to visualize and analyze urban structure. It is a based on 3D model of a city. All buildings have exaggerated heights and shifted on map to a 10-kilometer zone
(to reduce...
Winds circulate around the globe, forming patterns of gigantic proportions. These patterns become part of human culture and are reflected in our architecture.
By orienting on the direction of...
Getting a bird’s eye view of them and following the individual paths as they weave through what might resemble spaghetti, some sort of flower or a bow-tie. It’s a beauty that cannot be...
XXXY City (Triple X, Y City) is a data visualization project analyzing the difference between women and men in New York City on seven factors – education, occupation, income, age, sex...
Water doesn’t respect borders. Globally, 263 lakes and rivers are shared between at least two countries, according to the United Nations. Of the 195 states in the world, 145 have at least one of...
An animated flow map showing numbers of commutes in the Netherlands in 2016. Commutes are shown as trains, and locations which attract them are shown as glowing stars. Inspired by the cf. city...
Nowadays tourists are more aware of the rental available in their selected destinations. All in all, Airbnb has seen a phenomenal rise in Latam and this DataViz highlights a few trends to give an...
President Trump’s business entanglements continue to leave him with positions, assets, trademarks and other business interests in more than 30 countries. We mapped them out using data from personal...
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has made possible the expansion the mapping to previously unmapped areas, thanks to technological advancements such as Web 2.0 and satellite imagery....
Visualization of bike sharing trips for a given time window of a business day to create a snapshot of commuting patterns. Selecting different periods of a day these patterns can be compared to...
Nigeria’s dry season is tinderbox for farming land. If current patterns persist, violence is likely to erupt between farmers and cattle herders. One in search of water, the other in keeping their...
The Minimum Fleet Network model proposes efficient vehicle-trip assignments that reduce the empty time between trips with a passenger onboard. This way, a taxi can serve more passengers in the same...
The map associates the prevalence of diabetes in London neighborhoods with the diversity of nutrients of 1.6B grocery purchases. In terms of diabetes prevalence, socio-economic conditions matter...
The visualization invites riders to explore bike and docking station availability for encouraging re-distribution for the NYC bike share. The data on trips and station availability are encoded in...
London Greenground Map is an independent project by graphic designer Helen Ilus to support the sustainable ideas of National Park City movement. The idea of the Greenground Map is to envision...
Created using Tableau and Mapbox, this visualisation maps the reported sightings of Sea Turtles and modelled plastic pollution in the oceans around Greece.
The Earth Overshoot Day is the day, when mankind's demand overstrains the ecosystem's supply of resources and services. This project breaks down the Earth Overshoot Day to continents and countries...
Which neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty?
The Opportunity Atlas answers this question using anonymous data following 20 million Americans from...
This interactive infographic captures the beauty and of population both at the country level and for each continent. Hovering over a country will highlight the country in the map key at the top....
Every year Russia produces 70 million tons of waste, a tenth of which comes from Moscow. Garbage settles in landfills. RBC observed as landfills grew around the capital.
23 landfills around...