Every day, the Global Historical Climatology Network collects temperatures from 90,000 weather stations. Dating back as far as the late 1700's, the records provide an incredible source of insight...
The interactive election map shows every single vote cast in Berlin in the German Federal Election 2013.
On the one hand it shows a unique image of the odd voting behavior in the German capital....
A wall chart taking the data for the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil and creating a cohesive solution to present the data in wall chart format.
This featured every game that span around the inner...
In celebration of Arbor Day last April, we gave viewers the gift of a bird’s-eye view of the tree canopy in nine different cities. “I love the abstract patterns of cartography, and the idea of...
The Graphic Continuum is our view of the many different types of visualizations available to us when we encode and present data. We’ve plotted nearly 90 different graphics across five main...
Infographics show median voting scores, representing participants tastes since 1994 till 2013. Outcome flow shows voting statistics, how one country participant voted for another, while income flow...
Are you past your prime? To explore this question, we plotted the lives of 177 creative thinkers and the ages at which they each completed one notable work, discovery, or product launch. Our...
After more than 40 years, Studs Terkel’s Working remains one of the best-known non-fiction books ever published. What’s truly remarkable is the fact that this is not a book about wars, politics or...
The visualization shows how many fatal car accidents occur in each province and district of Piemonte region. One of the most unexpected thing is that, statistically speaking, women are better...
“Flights to Milan” visualizes the daily flights to Milan from all worldwide cities. Expo 2015 will be hosted in Milan, Italy. It is important to show how the city is connected to the rest of the...
An interactive tool to help you find the right meeting times with people around the world, the World Chat Clock visualizes for the overlay of office and stretch hours between cities. When left...
Working with technologist Ekene Ijeoma, we created an interactive experience that illuminates where and when refugees emigrate, as well as the complex stories of political, social and economic...
As T.S. Eliot said,
'Mankind cannot bear very much reality'.
His own answer was Anglo-Catholicism but what irrational beliefs sustain other people in the UK?
This civic technology project visualizes taxi trip data from 2013, showing the activities of a single taxi on a single day. The original data include ~170 Million trips. Of these, 30 cab/days were...
The Archibald Prize is widely regarded as Australia's most important prize for portraiture. It attracts broad public interest and has a rich and controversial history. The ABC News Digital...
For the website biobasedeconomy.nl, we developed an interactive data visualization, containing infographics. This interactive infographic gives insight into the different biomass chains that are...
In our globalizing world, food is increasingly difficult to track. Knowing where our food comes from is important, since it can carry harmful pathogens. Visualizing data from the World Health...
The interactive visualization reveals the global evolution of trade agreements from 1948 until 2009. The tool not only displays the increase in the number of agreements and country connections over...
The BBC commissioned TellyJuice to create a short explainer film about week by week Pregnancy, in a clear and concise yet informative style. The film needed to cover fertilisation through to the...
With the Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow at a critical time in Scotland’s history, BBC News decided to preview the Games so viewers could get an insight into the excitement that was to come....
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
This project maps war dead recoded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission during the First World War. It's an attempt to quantify the price of the conflict and equate the scale to a contemporary...
Carbon Visuals has created a four-minute film to help world leaders, industry experts, campaigners, scientists and the wider public understand the scale of emissions from fossil fuels. In...
Conflicts, elections and politics, sports and weather, the public focus is constantly changing. Hardly any topic gets enduring attention and new headlines dominate media everyday. But how long does...
In 2012 I published a 6-panel infographic explaining the complexities of the Iranian internet. Today, more than ever, we know that censorship is not just happening in countries with oppressive...
The first massive open online course, or MOOC, launched in September 2008 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Via the web, anyone could attend the class on learning theory, and 2,000 people...
Data Views are self-contained chart experiences that are created closely with Bloomberg View—the opinion section of Bloomberg News. The impetus behind Data View was a hope to provide clear and...