
2016 Winners - Special Awards

Commercial/biz Project

GOLD ($1,000) Data USA by DatawheelDeloitte & Macro Connections (USA)

A free and open source platform that combines data from a variety of US statistical agencies.


SILVER ($500) News Explorer by IBM Watson (USA)

Distilling unstructured text into entities and concepts, and connecting the dots.


BRONZE (tied - $250) Animated Infographic Microsite on E-commerce by YAAY for Swiss Post  (Switzerland)

Visual storytelling explaining the opportunities and challenges of e-commerce.


BRONZE (tied - $250) Educational Pathways by Christine Zimmermann & Barbara Hahn (Germany)

Educational pathways of pupils between kindergarten and secondary school level II.


Studio of the Year

Polygraph for works including Film Dialogue & Evolution of Music Taste (USA)


Outstanding Team

GOLD ($1,000) FiveThirtyEight for works including 2016 Election Forecast (USA)


SILVER ($500) Bloomberg for works including Who Marries Whom? (USA)


BRONZE (tied - $250) Guardian for works including The Dark Side of Guardian Comments (UK)


BRONZE (tied - $250) Quartz for works including Explore the complicated network of allies and enemies in Syria’s civil war (USA)


Community Awards

GOLD ($1,000) The Sum of the Parts by Alberto Lucas López (USA)

Charting China’s rapid economic growth.


SILVER ($500) WTFViz by Drew Skau (USA)

Publishes infographics & dataviz that make no sense, together with a Twitter community analysing why.


BRONZE ($250) Toronto Symphony Orchestra Listening Guide by Hannah Chan-Hartley (Canada)

Using symbols & notation to aid the experience of a live performance.


Outstanding Individual

Moritz Stefaner for works including Project UKKO - Seasonal Wind Predictions for the Energy Sector (Germany)


Rising Star

Will Stahl-Timmins for works including The BMJ Infographics (UK)


Nadieh Bremer for works including Olympic Feathers (The Netherlands)


Student Awards

GOLD ($1000) Herwig Scherabon for works including Income Equality in LA & Chicago (USA)


SILVER ($500) Pei Ye Le for Garbage Sorting Recycling Figure (China)


BRONZE (tied - $250) Janet Chan for The Printing Press & Type Foundries (USA)


BRONZE (tied - $250) Cordelia Morales Trevino & Gabriela Gonzalez-Rubio Gutierrez for Atlas de México (Mexico)


Best Non-English Language

Terre Urbaine by BiG (France)

Video dataviz in motion design showing the urbanization of the planet throughout the ages.


Most Beautiful

Spies in the Skies by Peter Aldhous & Charles Seife for Buzzfeed (USA)

BuzzFeed News analyzed and visualized aircraft location data collected by the flight-tracking website Flightradar24 to show how America is being watched from above by hundreds of federal aircraft.


:: View the winners of other categories: Data Visualization, Data Journalism, Infographic, Dataviz Website, Dataviz Project, & Interactive.

:: See the 2016 shortlist.

:: Meet our expert judges

Posted in Awards — almost 8 years ago