The data visualization shows time spent on unpaid work by gender and employment rate.
The source of the data is the open database ( of the National Statistical Office of...
Nesta has developed, and visualised, the most comprehensive public classification of skills available in the UK. We hope that the taxonomy will help workers and students learn more about the skills...
Explorer of the top-rated games on My two main motivations were: (1) create separate leaderboards for games of different complexity (because the Top 100 page on BGG is dominated...
This visual article presents an analysis of how three Spanish cities, Madrid, Bilbao, and Valencia, have changed in relation to their rivers. Despite rivers always being vital for cities and their...
We humans are too easily fixated on extremes, we count and compare and put things in order. The pinnacles of land are mountains, and they are always ranked by the elevation of their summits above...
NYPD has significantly reduced arrests for subway turnstile jumping. But who gets arrested hasn’t changed: 9 out of 10 of those arrested for turnstile jumping are black or Hispanic. Across the...
The Galactic Civil War — recently retold in the military history called Star Wars1 — pitted the Imperial Navy, one of the most sophisticated fighting forces in history, against the ragtag Rebel...
This story aims to show and tell the visual history of immigration in Sweden. It also shows the history of people's attitudes towards immigration and integration.
I wrote this article ahead of...
Diagrammm: Beyond the Image
Data visualization has become a modern tool of communication that reveals a power of data. With it help stories hidden in figures could be told in a clear and...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
The 24 solar terms are the unique solar terms culture of China. With throttle the starting point of life is to want to do a north and south China for throttle value contrast as original from...
The visualization was created using Tableau software, and some design elements were created with Figma. The data preparation was done using Tableau Prep. The visualization shows the most and least...
A mounting number of opioid addicts are encountering a deadlier and deadlier supply of drugs. The resulting death toll continues to rise despite years of alarms and efforts to intervene.
Every day, the Global Historical Climatology Network collects temperatures from 90,000 weather stations. Dating back as far as the late 1700's, the records provide an incredible source of insight...
Plastic waste, mostly from rivers or careless dumping on land, washes into the oceans at an average rate of about nine million tons a year. The visible trash, along with heartbreaking images of its...
Mini Metro is a game that allows users to design public transit systems in various cities across the world. I'm a big fan of the game- but also the game's engaging design. Inspired by the layout of...
The scientists at the Amboseli Trust for Elephant have studied the same population of elephants since 1972. They know most individuals by name, as well as their genealogy.
We built this...
This work is a scientific information chart, its main popular science object is Salt Lake.
This infographic mainly introduces the related knowledge of salt lake by taking "chaka salt lake" in...
the placement of cctv cameras in the college campus and how many cases are solved through it. Data of solved, unsolved and total cases as well as the types of camera used in the campus and their...
The project gives a new perspective on the world and the »Democracy Index« by The Economist. Usually, we compare countries on a map. This is reasonable as their geographical position and shape is...
Do you know K-pop? Did you hear about BTS? You should have heard about them, or you may be regarded as out of date.
Korean pop culture, known as K-pop, is a genre of popular music originating in...
Our first reaction to the Indonesian Kanjuruhan Stadium Disaster as a team was a locator map with some simple references, after a few days I decided to go further by using good image sources and...
When Formula One began in 1950, cars were designed purely for speed and crash helmets were not compulsory. The sport was both new, and deadly, with 11 driver fatalities in the first...
An animated, interactive world map allowing users to access global bilateral migration data in an informative and engaging way. The application captures the movement of over 215 million migrants ....
This visualization focuses on the roughly 13,000 unique LEGO sets that have been created in the past 75 years. It was designed to look like a LEGO set itself, and features visualizations on the...