Amplia Saúde is a project dedicated to providing scientists, researchers and the general public with a more sophisticated data visualization and analysis tool for investigating the relationship...
I created a series about some of the major impacts of global warming that I witnessed in Washington State this summer, using scientific data to show how the drought is devastating the...
Insider asked thousands of "Game of Thrones" fans to vote for the best characters and performances on HBO's hit series using two simple matchup generators and asking readers on social media to...
This project takes, as its starting point, the Sustainable Development Goals.
The UN highlights how ‘The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable...
PageRank Algorithm Visualization is a project with the aim to make visible and comprehensible the functioning of “Page Rank”, ex Google’s algorithm. A 2D poster game interactive visualization to...
Guadiana in Four Movements is an audiovisual piece that interrogates the present and future of the transboundary River Guadiana estuary (Iberian Peninsula). Crafted with found footage, images and...
Today, our identities are marked and defined by the technology tracking us. 'Shifting Gears’ resulted from a classroom project based on visualising an aspect from our personal lives. This...
One of the world's most dangerous hot-spots are the seas in Asia where China, Japan and Korea make overlapping claims of sovereignty. Static maps never did a good job to explain the territorial...
Think Game of Thrones is complicated? Try the royal houses of Europe! Starting with Charlemagne, this poster includes the monarchs of England, Scotland, Great Britain, Spain, France, the...
Political Polarization in the U.S. Congress has been a topic of much discussion recently. This visualisation shows polarization of the House of Representatives through time, with a focus on which...
The „DB 2020“ film sets out Deutsche Bahn's longterm strategy of the same name. An easy to understand animation explains to DB's staff all the innovations that come with the strategy in the...
A small visual exploration of the episodes and guests of the Data Stories podcast by Christian Laesser. You find the podcast of Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner at You can make your...
Subjects selected from the founding of one hundred years, China's textile industry system from scratch, the past prosperity, aims to comb through the way of information visualization development...
The 2016 passage of General Data Protection Regulations in the EU put into effect the strictest data privacy laws in the world. In the years since, more countries—including the U.S., Brazil, and...
Weather is a topic that often comes up in casual conversation, and in an international world of many backgrounds, I have been increasingly interested in the weather and length of the day, which is...
The IBM Watson News Explorer uses the AlchemyData News API to automatically construct a news information network and present large volumes of news results in an understandable fashion. It uses...
The purpose of this project is to represent and explain data quickly and effectively in a visual and interactive way that represents and tells a story about one particular aspect of Johannesburg....
If it felt like you were on an emotional rollercoaster during this past Presidential election, just look at what was happening to Donald Trump. As shown in ten of the major speeches he gave from...
Re-count, is a sound archive and speculative educational tool that measures human lifetimes. Containing audio clips of memories lasting varying durations juxtaposed against an illuminated timeline,...
This evolutionary tree of life poster is unique in that it also serves as a biological classification chart. Over 250 well-known plants, animals, and microbes are listed according to their...
Samsung recently commissioned the world's leading futurists, architects, technology forecasters and sociological soothsayers to cast their visionary insight 100 years into the future.
The Triple J Hottest 100 countdown is the world’s largest music poll. Each year more than 2 million Australians pick their favourite songs and the tracks with the most votes are revealed one-by-one...
A nonstandard project, encompassing a data visualization presentation, interactive slides, and collection of 9 blogs. It strives to inspire others to show a dedication to details, to go beyond the...
How much is a trillion dollars? Exactly. Who knows? Nobody.
But here are a load of trillion dollar values visualized so you can at least *see* what $trillion looks like.
There are now 56,638 fast food shops in England, occupying more than a quarter of all food outlets. Use our interactive map to get the full picture for your area.
We plotted every country’s national record in the 100-metre dash. Hit “start the race” to find out where each country’s fastest sprinter is when Usain Bolt — the fastest man ever — reaches the...
Nature is in crisis, and it’s only getting worse. As species vanish at a rate not seen in 10 million years, more than 1 million species are currently on the brink.
Humans are driving this...
Little did Horace Walpole imagine, when he gave his book The Castle of Otranto the subtitle A Gothic Story, that he would be transforming a perfectly harmless word (meaning ‘in the style of...
This piece explores job prospects for male and female college graduates. Through extensive data analysis, research and reporting, it finds that the careers that college-educated women take tend to...