This data visualization animation brings to life the extraordinary expansion of deportations managed by the EU's Coastal and Borders Agency, Frontex. It shows in a thought-provoking way the growing...
Released by Telos Publications late last year, 'Infogothic: An Unauthorised Graphic Guide to Hammer Horror' is my first book, analysing the horror films from Britain's Hammer Films. Rather than...
Worshipped by a billion Hindus and a water source for 400 million, the Indian government is battling to save “Mother Ganga”.
This project follows the river from its source to emptying into the...
10 Downing Street shares its sustainability data so that everybody can help to identify new savings and suggest improvements. This dashboard examines how much energy is used at different times of...
This map shows the many places mentioned in interviews with Anna Patipa and Jacob Brodman, two Holocaust survivors. You can follow the sequence of places in their accounts by noting the number of...
During the February 2019 skirmish between India and Pakistan, an Indian Mig-21 flown was shot down in a dogfight with Pakistani Air Force. This led to media scrutiny as to why the Indian Air Force...
Did you know it’s not that hard to identify bots and automated accounts on social media? You can simply follow the traces they leave and their non-human behavior is easily revealed! Accurat turned...
There are many ways to think about the future - but some are more productive than others. Horoscopes, prophecies and ancient dream interpretations, for instance, are not exactly useful: whereas...
Initially designed as a gift for a client, the sketchbook was so successful that it became an ongoing project. Today, with over 17 designs, the sketchbooks have traveled the world and are a great...
A visual representation of how Brexit began to fragment Prime Minister Theresa May's party over time. After analysing the voting patterns of 650 members of British parliament on how they swayed,...
A year into the economic war between the U.S. and China, all signs are that the conflict will continue to get worse, with both sides raising tariffs and signalling an unwillingness to...
This series of infographics was born from my growing obsession with data visualisation and my longtime love for the show Friends. I’ve been a fan of the TV series since I was old enough to watch...
Changing the Narrative informs and educates young adults about the history of true crime podcasts and how they have brought awareness to and solved cases and given power to people.
In 2013 Russian doctors teamed up with engineers to develop a robot‑assisted surgical system to meet the needs of both surgeons and patients. In 2018 first experimental surgery was successfully...
The web application Emojinal Ranges analyses the tweets of the 100+ most followed celebrities on twitter regarding the use of emojis. At the center of the analysis is the scope and variance of the...
Mass shootings have increased by 57% in the last 3 years compared over the past 6 years. The US had 7 mass shootings in 2019, 12 in 2018 and 11 in 2017. In 3 years there have been a total of 30...
TwoTone lets you turn data into sound and music. It uses the process of sonification to let you hear data. It’s free and open-source and runs 100% on the web, so you don’t need to download...
Nowadays, tourists are more aware of rental accommodation options in their selected destinations. Airbnb has seen a phenomenal rise in Europe, and this dataviz highlights a few trends to give an...
The special project tells us about why it is essential to become a donor and how the issue of blood donation has changed in Russia over the past ten years. There is the interactive tile grid map of...
With the accumulation of urbanization and the population, the demand for air travel is expanding. Through the airport flights and airline data of 230 cities, the works have an insight into how the...
The vision of the future of healthcare.
Patients will be engaged, providing them with smart technology so they can closely monitor themselves. They can have devices that will constantly measure...
Many diseases hold cyclical patterns as a result of climate changes throughout a year. Influenza, or 'the flu', causes the most illnesses in the colder, winter months. However, an outbreak of swine...
A visual analysis of winners of the Wimbledon Singles Title since the start of the open era in 1968. Champions are grouped by their nationality with radials representing each of the 6 decades.
Insider asked thousands of "Game of Thrones" fans to vote for the best characters and performances on HBO's hit series using two simple matchup generators and asking readers on social media to...
The Philippines has been experiencing rapid economic growth in the past 10 years, yet there is a huge contrast between economic development and poverty incidence among the regions. Did the rural...
What makes a country happy?
The World Happiness Report was released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the United Nations on March 14, days before World Happiness Day on March...
When the 10 Year Challenge hit social media in January 2019, I challenged myself to do a datafied version. One of the few personal data sources I have that goes back 10 years is my logs and...
The second part of “A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning” series, this installment describes a tradeoff fundamental to machine learning and artificial intelligence. Using scroll-linked...
How can we humanize mental health statistics? In our iOS app, we invite Canadians to create their own avatar and answer the same mental health questionnaire asked by the government. Once complete,...