Who says dinner, and who says supper? Using data from the words and location tags of billions of tweets, reporter Nikhil Sonnad, Things reporter at Quartz tracks the American dialect in these...
This map shows in a single image the people who lost their lives as they tried to reach European shores from 2005 to 2015. These men, women, and children were fleeing conflict and instability in...
The hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is unprecedented. The massive search area which is remote and previously unmapped, the complex underwater terrain and extreme depths make for a search...
Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty on March 29, triggering Britain's divorce proceedings with the European Union and launching two years of negotiations that...
Billions of people and animals rely on the benefits of the Amazon rainforest, including food, fresh water, shelter and climate control. Forests such as the Amazon play a critical role in mitigating...
My Life Through Data is a physical interactive workbook of activities for people to track their daily habits, visualize them in a beautiful and unique way, then compare their lives to the American...
Every summer, typhoons rage in the southeast coast of China, causing great losses to the coastal people. We visualized the tracks of all the 1832 typhoons since 1949, and unfolded the story around...
IBM Immersive Insights helps users explore data and communicate their findings. It brings the power of Augmented Reality (AR) visualizations to data science tools, improving the user experience,...
This is a project that worked on a digital remix of Stephanie Posavec and Giorga Lupi’s acclaimed “Dear Data” project, drawing inspiration from the analog data graphics to develop novel dynamic and...
This is the animated story of the rise, and the eventual fall of the self-proclaimed IS caliphate. The video was produced by the largest news organisation in the Netherlands, NOS. It came about...
The scientists at the Amboseli Trust for Elephant have studied the same population of elephants since 1972. They know most individuals by name, as well as their genealogy.
We built this...
One of the things that make Berghain amazing is the great artists curation. I find myself going to Berghain's website and looking at the listings just to discover great techno and house music...
In 1977, the great computer scientist Donald Knuth published a paper called The Complexity of Songs, which is basically one long joke about the repetitive lyrics of newfangled music (example quote:...
Augmented Reality (AR) is a new way to see the world. With AR menu and characters, we can achieve all that has been shown on Star Wars, Iron-man, The Minority Report and other Sci-fi films.
Baseball junkies have long debated whether or not pitchers have hot and cold streaks. Fans and commenters have historically said yes they do, but sports data analysts have claimed believers in...
North Korea’s military parades are an impressive sight. They can also give away important information about the regime’s capabilities and ambitions. Here we deconstruct all of Kim Jong Un’s major...
The International Space Station (ISS) is one of the greatest endeavours ever undertaken by the human race, representing the peak of scientific ingenuity and global cooperation.
This data...
A visualization of the primary roads of the Roman Empire, circa 150 AD, in the style of a subway diagram. Connections between cities are emphasized at the expense of topographical accuracy. The...
In 2016, Shanghai Tower, the tallest skyscraper in China opened to the public, which contributed to the completeness of Shanghai skyline.
Since the early 1990s, Lujiazui has been developed...
Brazil is formed by 26 states, divided into 5 570 municipalities.
The first edition of the Data Book was about the state of Minas Gerais, with 853 municipalities. The data book contains...
Measurements are at the heart of analysis, testing, and discovery. Irish mathematical physicist Lord Kelvin once said, “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers,...
The artificial pancreas research projects in human trials campaign dealt with displaying information about the connection between Type 1 Diabetes projects and artificial pancreas. Using a color...
Global climate change is currently a serious problem in our society, influencing the Earth's future. It causes many effects on our environment, such as glaciers shrinking, ice on rivers and lakes...
Computer science is the subject that studies what computers can do and investigates the best ways you can solve the problems of the world with them. It is a huge field overlapping pure mathematics,...
Reading a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book can feel like being lost in a maze and running through twists and turns only to find dead ends, switchbacks, and disappointment. In the books—for those...