It is an infographic project where we study the menu of five restaurants, which stand out for their creativity, taste and quality. The nutritional value of the food has been used to find out...
People depend on a healthy ocean. It regulates our climate, provides a vital food source for three million people and supports the livelihoods for hundreds of millions. But one of the biggest...
This is a chart about time data of European capitals. It visualizes differences in local sunset times and length of day using a clock chart rather than a map.
Selected European capitals are...
While working on a brief about practitioners I became fascinated with the work of Charles Booth. I underwent in-depth research into Booth's diaries that he kept. Looking into the archive compiled...
The River of Authors is an enormous mural celebrating 250 of literary history at the offices of book publisher Hachette UK. Using data from the British Library, it features the names of 5,000...
L I V I N G D A T A is an ongoing collaborative body of work devised and crafted for my MRes in Creative Practice at the University of Westminster, resulting in a final exhibition of my work...
This chart shows the nutritional ingredients in McDonald's food in a fun way. Each portrait represents one item on the McDonald's menu. According to, the classic hamburger is the...
Using a series of radial plots, this visualisation presents the scores for each dimension of the Quality of Life index for each iteration of the QoL survey since 2011. We illustrate these scores...
Will most meetings be remote in the future? This was the question that sparked my curiosity and inspired my exploration of every one of my work meetings from the last 3 years (Aug. 2016 - Aug....
A while ago I had the idea of analysing texts from books and compare words, letters across time periods, languages...
So far I've been looking at the letter content in four different languages...
Centered around the health cocerns linked to products in the beauty industry, All Natural is an infographic designed with the purpose to bring awareness and educate users to the negative affects...
In the world of education, innovation often arises from unconventional blends. "Drawing Data with Kids" is a testament to this fact, offering a refreshing approach to teaching data literacy. This...
This poster visualizes all the tasks I completed on my to-do list for an entire year. I collected the data through my Notion workspace, where I keep track of everything I do daily. This allowed me...
Here is my Multi-University Transcript. During my undergraduate period, I studied at 3 different universities, 2 of them as an exchange student, and received 3 different transcripts in total. This...
Mapping the movement of Crows - Mapping Municipal Market, Ahmedabad
Located adjoining one of the busiest streets of the city of Ahmedabad, the municipal market hosts a lot of visitors every day....
Every egg rolls a different way. For centuries, scientists wondered why egg shapes are so different from one bird to the next. Now, we think we’ve finally cracked the mystery.
To start,...
One day I decided to analyze how much time I spend with my iPhone. I calculated the data for July 2020. As a result, I decided not only to reduce the time in social media, but also to turn the...
A visualization coloring cook includes over 20 of the original Du Bois visualizations from the 1900 Paris Exposition, with re-creation outlines to color.
created with decksh
What is the relationship between art + tech + death + life?
Data Meditations: An Abstract Koi Pond explores these questions. Created by Kristin Henry and produced in collaboration with Reimagine...
Since the EU referendum was announced, the value of the pound has seen ups and downs - drive a bus along the graph and see if you can keep it from crashing
Most people grow up seeing clean water. I wanted to show the other side of the water. It is an infographic showing the present condition of wastewater pollution in Korea. The metaphor is a bubble....
With the notorious New York City heating regulations, finding the perfect temperature in one’s apartment during the winter can be a difficult task. I began a wasteful habit of running my air...
What if machines could write stories?
What are the boundaries between creativity and automation? These are the questions I asked myself when I started working on 'Grimmz' - a fairy-tale generator,...
The Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship offers in-depth measures, reports, and accompanying interactive data visualizations that present entrepreneurial trends in the United States. The website...
An interactive visualisation of weather data, on a multitouch display whith haptic control elements. In this project a visualisation was created that emphasises on the cyclic nature of weather...
What does Google know about me? What data does my bank save about me?
In my final Graphic Design BA thesis I want to show how much and what data is collected from different corporations, like the...
Me and the World: An Infographic Story
This is a book for children to understand the world around them through infographics. Graphics and visualisations give us a method to use images to...