My son was born during the pandemic. We spent a lot of time visiting parks and being outside in nature. In the past year he's gained a huge appreciation for the environment and he loves to gather...
The pandemic has affected so many aspects of our lives, amplifying disparities and challenges that already existed. For far too many households simply having access to enough food to eat is a daily...
As people flood into stores on Black Friday to do their holiday shopping on the cheap, which toys will they be scouring the aisles for? Smart R2-D2, if they think they can beat the hordes, or maybe...
I teach digital studies at Davidson College, and for the past several years, I've assigned my students prompts that build off of Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi's Dear Data project. By following...
What does Google know about me? What data does my bank save about me?
In my final Graphic Design BA thesis I want to show how much and what data is collected from different corporations, like the...
The dashboard was inspired by makeovermonday. A website that provides open data and reports to data enthusiasts.
The dashboard is based on a survey directed towards gender advocates on issues they...
Alt’ai is an agent-based simulation inspired by aesthetics, culture and environmental conditions of the Altai region on borders between Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia. It is set into a...
The visualization is a self-exploration study. This is how I prepared myself to travel to the multiple destinations that are mapped, according to my browser history. Each ring represents a website...
Hi, I’m Neelam. And I’m Timour. Together, we are excited to present to you this one-of-a-kind information embroidery commission. It combines information design (timour’s expertise) and visual...
The Qatar World Cup was one of the darkest sports competitions of recent times. A competition where multiple human rights were violated and the conditions of its construction were inhumane. In...
Mercury Retrograde is something I just got into this year and have found super interesting. Basically, 3 or 4 times a year, the planet Mercury does this weird thing where it looks like it's moving...
Moving Madness is a data visualization of my first month in another country and what a rollercoaster it was. In 2022, I packed my bags and moved across world for my masters program. The data...
The Multi-Scale Flow Map visualizes complex relations between plastic pollutants in fluctuating water environment to help identify, locate and neutralize the pollutants.
The work focuses on...
For plant species native to California, forest fires are an expected part of the natural environment. Many of these species have unique adaptations to withstand fire - and some even depend on fire...
While working on a brief about practitioners I became fascinated with the work of Charles Booth. I underwent in-depth research into Booth's diaries that he kept. Looking into the archive compiled...
The Saros cycle governs the periodicity and recurrence of solar eclipses. When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros (period of around 18 years), they share a very similar...
For our 15th anniversary we have analyzed and visualized different aspects of our daily work. The result is a series of posters that use abstract patterns to highlight various topics from the past...
An ongoing series of works that visualizes “DNA bar codes”—short snippets of DNA sequences used by scientists to identify species, accessible in open source scientific databases.
This work...
"How big is...?" is an ongoing series of infographics for children which I created for the Warum!-magazine. It started out as a series about size, but quickly became focused on trying to make...
Making with Data is a physical data-driven papercraft sculpture that serves as the cover of our upcoming book, “Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data Driven World.” The paper waves...
Wir sehen unsere Umwelt durch das Fenster der Sinne und Wahrnehmungen. Von diesem Punkt aus kann es schwer fallen andere Perspektiven auf die Welt zu verstehen. Dabei ist unsere Perspektive nur...
Here is my Multi-University Transcript. During my undergraduate period, I studied at 3 different universities, 2 of them as an exchange student, and received 3 different transcripts in total. This...
To celebrate Starbucks’ first ever store in Italy, the Starbucks Reserve Roastery Milan in Piazza Cordusio, Accurat designed a massive floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall visual representation of...
Dimensions.Guide is a comprehensive reference database of dimensioned drawings documenting the standard measurements and sizes of the everyday objects and spaces that make up our world.
Yaps and fin slaps, growls and groans—whales use a wide range of sounds to communicate. But only five whale species are known to sing, with humpbacks the unrivaled musical masters of the sea. This...
This map depicts what the actual geography looks like when my family is all on a zoom call together, i.e. all "in" the family room at the same time. The map layers the ~.3 mile radius road networks...
Together with the cultural city lab RAUM, we curated an event that engages people with data on different mediums. We devised a concept of ‘circus show’ which created a deeper understanding of the...
"Pianeta Terra" is a children book published by National Geographic Kids and White Star in Italy, France and Poland. The aim of the book is to provide a innovative narrative of the Earth to the...
Sound as Color is an exploration in converting audible frequencies to electromagnetic waves. This makes them perceptible to the human eye, creating a colour palette which corresponds to the audible...