In the world of education, innovation often arises from unconventional blends. "Drawing Data with Kids" is a testament to this fact, offering a refreshing approach to teaching data literacy. This...
Inspired by the approach of our design studio we created an interactive annual review for 2017 based on the hours we worked. Through a navigable timeline, you can see projects that we've worked on...
This infographic shows a report of white wine and another one of red wine. It is published in a digital newspaper of tourism, leisure and gastronomy. Each report explains what there is to know...
From selfie to wavy, everyday people turn to Google Search to learn definitions, ask questions, and find information. When we add up each of these moments and searches, we see interesting changes...
What does Google know about me? What data does my bank save about me?
In my final Graphic Design BA thesis I want to show how much and what data is collected from different corporations, like the...
DayDohViz is a "daily" inspiration project that experiments with physically visualizing data in 3D using a phone and Play-Doh. Yes, Play-Doh.
Creator Amy Cesal's subjects range from...
Today, for the first time, BBC News, working with the Office for National Statistics, is providing you with a way of understanding your risk of being a victim of crime in England and Wales. If you...
"This is not a graph" is an internal initative created by the Creative and Design team of the Kantar Health Paris office.
The title "This is not a Graph" is inspired from "This is not a pipe",...
Joyful Data is a tool for making custom data-driven graphics in a live, interactive editor. It narrows the gap for non-programmers to create bespoke visualisations while maintaining design control....
Mixed media, engraved drywall and screenprint | When looking back on weather data, the numbers can explain what happened atmospherically but can it represent the story of its impact? By designing...
A year-long project featuring a friendly monthly competition between two data professionals. This project involves community participation and an opportunity to learn and experiment.
The following submission is a data visualization thesis project. The project combines a physicalization and digital accompaniment aimed at bringing awareness to the remaining presence of lead paint...
How can we give data physical form? And how might those creations change the ways we experience data and the stories it can tell?
Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-Driven...
365° is an education-oriented blog that runs on Instagram and Facebook. Everyday, beginning January 1st, we upload an infographic describing a single piece of data that is relevant to our...
2018 was a significant year for Singapore Airlines, providing 20 million passengers with world class transport to over 63 destinations worldwide, using its fleet of 121 aircraft. Further, the...
“It is an automated response system designed for clients to independently and pro-actively measure their sales team’ performance in activating their look of success in trade; they will be able to...
The history of oil prices and consumption, explained. To understand the modern era, you need to understand our weird relationship with oil - from the crises of the 1970s, to the oil glut of the 80s...
An interactive data sculpture about the future of the gulf stream due to climate change. The powerful system is powered by circulation areas, e.g., AMOC (Atlantic meridional overturning...
The Nuremberg trials prosecuted the leaders of Nazi Germany but did not necessarily end their lives. 70 years after the "the greatest trial in history" was concluded, we trace the life stories of...
Every year we ask ourselves whether it will snow on Christmas Eve, and we wonder when was the last time we really had a white Christmas. So last year we did a winter special. The data project not...
The summer in Finland is too short for many plants to grow. Summer months in Nordic countries only last for about 3 months, approximately 100 days. Inspired by the book by Neil Fletcher, I wanted...
IBM Immersive Insights is a data exploration tool that applies AR technology to data exploration and communication. Users are able to view their data in 3D using the AR wearable tool, and within...
Many New Yorkers could be living with an industrial legacy of lead in their soil and not even know it. An illustrated urban gardening guide shows how to prevent exposure to contaminated soil.
#AChartADay, launched on our Instagram account in september, 2016, is a side-project born as a graphic experiment with data visualization. A daily updated feed shows both the classic and the less...
For this story, we colleced a portrait picture of famous black people and repeatedly applied the aging filter available in FaceApp, a popular smartphone app that changes the look of users’ photos....