From food storage to furniture—we use plastic for everything. In 2008 alone 245 million tons of plastic were produced. These plastics often find there way into our waterways. Every year 6.4 million...
Two-thirds of the money spent by Indian households go to roti, kapda aur makaan (food and beverages, clothing and footwear, and housing) alone. What about households in other developing countries?...
This project visualizes ten metrics, from freedom and governance scores to happiness and wellbeing indexes, for every country. The visualization offers a readable result despite the number of...
Besides economic data and company fundamentals, market psychology as well as general investor sentiment helps in determining stock prices. Economic data and Company fundamentals are usually...
Al-Quran, or the Holy Quran, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad more than 1400 years ago. Despite being unchanged since then, very little exploration has previously been made to the statistical...
In the wake of the first official summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, see which foreign leaders the two men have each spoken to and met with most...
Established in 1981, the Institute of Systems Science at National University of Singapore (NUS-ISS) provides graduate education, executive education programs, consultancy, and research services. To...
The Trump administration has made repeated attacks on climate science, hitting policymakers, scientists, and the general public alike with a united rhetoric that claims climate change is nothing...
Aragon covering an area of 47720 km2 (18420 square miles), the population of Aragon was 1.308.728(INE 2018) but the population of the city of Zaragoza(capital city) was 666.880(INE 2018) and only...
With sky-high consumer confidence, historically low unemployment and a growing economy, retail should be booming. Yet more chains are filing for bankruptcy and rated distressed than during the...
Internet of Elephants is a social enterprise based in Kenya and the United States, consisting of technologists, conservationists, educators, game designers and strategists, who are working together...
A Reuters analysis shows Republicans now control more legislatures than at any point since at least 1900 and more governorships than the party has held since 1922. Here's a look at control by party...
As Democrats push to win back state legislatures in November, a Reuters analysis of election data found the party faces tough odds in the places most crucial to its future.
These dashboards present data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) that help to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but they are not always the official indicators for SDG...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is an important measure of our economy’s health. But much of the news coverage overestimates the importance of early numbers that are subject to...
Right now, more than half the world is not connected to the internet, and almost 75% of Africa is offline. Why does this matter? For people living in the poorest parts of the world, access to the...
Harvard Growth Lab’s Country Complexity Profiles is a first-of-its-kind tool that revolutionizes how to think about economic strategy, policy, and investment opportunities for over 130 countries....
This visual app makes CO2 goals tangible on the personal level:
What can you change in your own household to contribute to the 40% reduction of CO2 emissions that the Dutch government has promised...
The narrative visualisation has been created using Tableau Desktop application and has been published in Tableau Public.
It showcases the best suited investment options available based on a...
The project shows representatives by party and by gender highlighting women in each party. You can see the inequality of men and women in the house of representatives of the United States during...
Twitter has become the venue for political outreach, international diplomacy, whitehouse personnel announcements and other important political communications. In this piece, we analyze the concept...
Almost half of Americans believe that immigrants make crime worse. But the data tells a different story. This visual piece examines the relationship between immigration and crime in American cities...
Every country in the world is regularly tracked by a large number of metrics. The metrics important for a “good” country are personal - see where the countries of the world fall on your personal...
As U.S. labor markets tighten, policymakers focus more on bringing jobs to where the unemployed live, and the pools of labor that exist in areas left behind during the recovery.
There are many ways to think about the future - but some are more productive than others. Horoscopes, prophecies and ancient dream interpretations, for instance, are not exactly useful: whereas...