China formally announced the opening of its first overseas military base on August 1, 2017, the 90th birthday of the People’s Liberation Army, a day charged with symbolic meaning for Beijing. This...
India has the biggest democracy in the world with 543 constituencies, each having fierce competition among the national as well as the regional parties. In 2019, more than 600 million people voted...
The separation of immigrant families dominated headlines in 2018. But as we uncovered, a different family separation crisis has been unfolding in plain sight for years.
In a multi-year...
This visual app makes CO2 goals tangible on the personal level:
What can you change in your own household to contribute to the 40% reduction of CO2 emissions that the Dutch government has promised...
Reuters deployed its own teams to Hong Kong's July 1 march route to gather data on the number of protesters passing through. The project provided a new perspective on crowd size in the city.
Donald Says is a press review for Donald Trump related news. This website analyzes 40+ U.S. news feeds and delivers an overview for up-to-date news trends. It shows the frequency of new articles,...
The markets have always been influenced by a series of external factors. But how, and in what manner? This infographic compares the impact of one main event per month on the monthly closure of the...
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars)...
Does size matter? I built a data visualization that focuses on small countries. The visualization shows the six World Governance Indicators, the ranking on the Human Development Index, the number...
The problem of racial discrimination has been a social problem in different countries. The unfair treatment of African and Caribbean Americans in the United States is one of the topics that has...
Every year, humanity is leaking more and more plastic into the world's oceans.
Plastic does not dissolve. Instead it is ground into smaller and smaller pieces at the micrometer and nanometer...
Women still have a long way to go before their representation in state political offices reflects the U.S. population. This graphic shows how women currently represent just 25.3 percent of state...
The Vietnam War lasted from 1955 to the fall of Saigon in 1975, with more than 58,000 Americans killed in the war. This data visualization demonstrates the burden of casualties that the US Army...
Access to adequate health care is crucial to social and economic development, as healthy human capital fosters productivity and economic growth. This scrollytelling interactive tracks global...
Al-Quran, or the Holy Quran, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad more than 1400 years ago. Despite being unchanged since then, very little exploration has previously been made to the statistical...
Every year, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) provides the latest demographic data for the world, global regions, and more than 200 countries and territories. This year we focus on the state of the...
Since German reunification, millions of people have left the eastern part of Germany, triggering a demographic crisis. Data now shows exactly what happened – and why there’s cause for hope.
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
The project visualizes scores of press freedom over years. 'Freedom of the Press', an annual report on media independence around the world, assesses the degree of print, broadcast, and digital...
FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) studied the migratory scenarios experienced by the United States, Canada, Australia, and Germany and calculated how scenarios similar to those would impact...
Voluntary commitments for The Ocean Conference are initiatives voluntarily undertaken by Governments, the United Nations system, other intergovernmental organizations, international and regional...
This data visualization animation brings to life the extraordinary expansion of deportations managed by the EU's Coastal and Borders Agency, Frontex. It shows in a thought-provoking way the growing...
This explainer-piece breaks down for an international audience why the US-midterms are important, how they function and what has been the party-wise trends over the years. Also, it looks at related...
20,000 immigrants in Illinois live further than 60 miles from the nearest Legal Aid Organization. Without proper legal aid, those without the financial means to pay for a private attorney are...
"What's Your Vote Worth?" presents America's proven capacity to improve equal access for its voters, while also encouraging readers to critically examine aspects of the American voting system where...
It is no surprise that wealthy, industrialized nations consistently perform well on indicators of government-influenced social progress. It is more interesting to examine countries' performance on...
Plenum is a website that shows the complex structure of the European Parliament and makes it understandable. In an introduction, basic facts about the parliament are presented and its complete...
Despite vast improvements in the global fight against modernday slavery over the past decade, more than 45 million people remain victims of forced labour worldwide, with 58 per cent of those from...