The markets have always been influenced by a series of external factors. But how, and in what manner? This infographic compares the impact of one main event per month on the monthly closure of the...
A visual representation of how Brexit began to fragment Prime Minister Theresa May's party over time. After analysing the voting patterns of 650 members of British parliament on how they swayed,...
The Philippines has been experiencing rapid economic growth in the past 10 years, yet there is a huge contrast between economic development and poverty incidence among the regions. Did the rural...
The infographic shows which parties (represented by the vertical rectangles) the two candidates who competed in the second round of the election in Brazil passed by. The distribution of these...
This data visualization animation brings to life the extraordinary expansion of deportations managed by the EU's Coastal and Borders Agency, Frontex. It shows in a thought-provoking way the growing...
Harvard Growth Lab’s Country Complexity Profiles is a first-of-its-kind tool that revolutionizes how to think about economic strategy, policy, and investment opportunities for over 130 countries....
Since German reunification, millions of people have left the eastern part of Germany, triggering a demographic crisis. Data now shows exactly what happened – and why there’s cause for hope.
Back in September 2013, President Xi Jinping first introduced the Silk Road Economic Belt during his visit to Kazakhstan. Just a month later, he gave another speech to the Indonesian parliament and...
Global fishing is big business, and it is common to fish in other countries waters, both legally and illegally. How does the economic wealth of a country relate to its fishing activities?
The project is based on two studies and combains the data about political violence incidents and the INFORM Global Risk Indexes.
The objective is to create a sensitive, regularly updated and...
Both the U.S. and Russia have a long history of interfering in foreign elections. This map displays known instances of U.S. and Soviet/Russian electoral interference from 1946 through 2000.
Plenum is a website that shows the complex structure of the European Parliament and makes it understandable. In an introduction, basic facts about the parliament are presented and its complete...
Penguins dashboards shows the different species of Penguins, their locations and the information about each species. 82% of the species are from Antarctica.
Established in 1981, the Institute of Systems Science at National University of Singapore (NUS-ISS) provides graduate education, executive education programs, consultancy, and research services. To...
With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts is likely to be the median justice. How has the ideology of the median justice and chief justice shifted over...
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...
The infographic is used to showcase the current food situation in Nigeria following the Nigerian government's ban on availability of foreign currency for food importation.
The separation of immigrant families dominated headlines in 2018. But as we uncovered, a different family separation crisis has been unfolding in plain sight for years.
In a multi-year...
In collaboration with OECD, we created an interactive data platform to help countries assess their state of digital development and formulate policy strategies in response. The toolkit supports the...
Dear Judges:
When Sen. Kamala Harris' presidential debate received a boost in polling after her exchange with former Vice President Joe Biden in the first democratic debate, we wanted to know...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
Warming Warning immerses visitors in a three-dimensional visualization of ongoing climate change. On one side, the > 1.5 °F change (since 1880) in global average temperature is highlighted...
Does size matter? I built a data visualization that focuses on small countries. The visualization shows the six World Governance Indicators, the ranking on the Human Development Index, the number...
The project visualizes scores of press freedom over years. 'Freedom of the Press', an annual report on media independence around the world, assesses the degree of print, broadcast, and digital...
The narrative visualisation has been created using Tableau Desktop application and has been published in Tableau Public.
It showcases the best suited investment options available based on a...
The aim of this data visualization is to discover the events of people failing to reach Europe between 2000 and 2018. It allows readers to visualize incidents and the resulting casualties across...