Fairfax’s ‘Peak Hour’ combined old-fashioned with data journalism, video and interactive storytelling to chart the rise of Australia’s urban traffic woes, engaging its readers with insights...
Deputy Head of Infographics for the South China Morning Post, Adolfo Arranz, uses historical data for his series of infographics about globalisation’s beginnings in the 16th century, when the...
Using conflict data provided by ACLED and a gridded world population estimate compiled by CIESIN, "Most Dangerous Places" shows the number of fatalities per person in Africa and Asia, compared to...
The issue of segregation of immigrants has generated a lot of interest in many Western countries, not least in Sweden in the run up to the 2018 elections. In the midst of many alarmist stories...
The U.S. and Russia are the world's largest arms exporters. But where are the arms going? This map illustrates the flows U.S. and USSR / Russia arms sales from 1950 through 2017, using publicly...
What makes a great city? Is it political stability? Low crime rates? Access to education or healthcare? We took one metric, looking at how easy it is for people to move within cities. We calculated...
For a magazine of the «Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich» we visualized how energy consumption of 53 co-operative housing areas has changed between 2014 and 2017. The visualization provides...
This wooden map is a celebration of NYC’s street tree population. It is a hybrid of a choropleth map, a bar chart, and an interactive game. Each neighborhood is represented by a removable wooden...
This Infographic project reveals the relationship between the population of three cities; Singapore, Hong Kong and Mexico City and the amount of flora species affected by the overpopulation of...
A data visualization created with 25,000+ consecutive days of Seattle weather data. The top section shows rainfall in inches broken down by month and year.
Gerrymandering is having a moment. A number of cases concerning the fairness of district maps have been heard in both state and federal court over the past year. But although district boundaries...
7 years after the Fukushima disaster, a visualisation of the current radioactivity levels collected from official sources. See also the 3D version (downloadable from the top of the page) which...
Visualizing over 2.5 million 311 noise complaints in NYC from January 2010 and March 2018. Visualizations use custom vector layers from Mapbox GL and are visualized in Tableau Desktop.
The Global Map of Accessibility is an interactive map that lets you view the travel time between almost any point on Earth and the nearest population centre of 50,000 or more people. The data...
Visualise the sun's position through the seasons and see the sunlight’s effect on your surroundings in augmented reality. With the 'Hello, Sun.' app you’ll never be left wondering where the sun is...
Since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, 29 spaceports around the world have been used to launch satellites to orbit. This interactive map and timeline shows the cumulative launches from each...
CNN’s Houses of Parliament interactive offers audiences a unique experience: the chance to step inside one of the world’s most iconic buildings in a purpose-built 360 immersive environment. Users...
The Apostle Paul and his companions crossed the Roman Empire to spread the Gospel and build the early church. This map overlays their journeys onto an interactive view of Roman provinces,...
CityWays is research at MIT Senseable City Lab to reveal human’s recreational patterns through visualizing datasets from self-tracking applications and environmental factors. In the CityWays web...
A research project exploring the potential of walking to gather environmental data and through multiple walks and visualisations build a rich picture of that area. The project examines creative...
This is a visual analysis of 15699 bike accidents in Hamburg, Germany from 2011 until 2016. Using data visualization it is shown who is responsible for the accidents and what causes them. In...
How Hong Kong has changed since handover from music to politics, fashion to infrastructure, these graphics explore the evolution of Hong Kong on the 20th anniversary of the city’s handover from...
In large expanses of the continental United States, spring is arriving earlier than in past years. In this graphic story for The Washington Post we analyzed first-leaf and first-bloom indexes, as...
Melbourne provides some of the country’s best food and entertainment, but not everyone has access to it. Over half the buildings in Melbourne CBD alone are not accessible to people in Wheelchairs...
This bilingual atlas provides for the first time a comprehensive, easily accessible and detailed overview of all Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel. All maps were specifically designed for this...