A research project exploring the potential of walking to gather environmental data and through multiple walks and visualisations build a rich picture of that area. The project examines creative...
Given the increasing prevalence of wildfires in the United States, specifically on the west coast, I took a look at the trend of wildfires over the last 10 years in California. My design aim was to...
Tornado migrations can be mapped like birds or wildebeests or commuters. Like just about everything else on this amazing planet of ours, they have a seasonal circuit and an ebb and flow.
The multimedia long read ‘Italia. The Airship Crash Chronicle’ by Russian news agency TASS is dedicated to one of the most dramatic episodes in the history of Arctic exploration. It chronicles the...
For a magazine of the «Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich» we visualized how energy consumption of 53 co-operative housing areas has changed between 2014 and 2017. The visualization provides...
Every city has its pulse. How can we find and measure it?
By pairing GIS data of land use in Zagreb with statistical information on the times its people are sleeping, at home and working, I made...
A large-format data visualization depicts the complex narrative of the 2003 Northeast Blackout, which began imperceptibly in Ohio over the course of four hours and cascaded within eight minutes...
America's neighborhoods are highly segregated, and we often assign children to schools based on that underlying geography. But many of America's school districts actually draw school zones to make...
Gerrymandering is having a moment. A number of cases concerning the fairness of district maps have been heard in both state and federal court over the past year. But although district boundaries...
Newly released data shows the true extent of industrial fishing. More than 55 percent of the surface of the world’s oceans is fished, with China accounting for vastly more than any other country.
China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative will cost $4-8 trillion, affecting 62% of the world's population. See all about the megaproject in this graphic.
The Media Sustainability Index provides in-depth analyses of the independent media conditions in 21 countries using six indicators, and reveals benchmark insights into how media systems have...
This is a visualization showing the number of steps walked between the months of January and April. This viz was intended to show the days I was laziest at hence the days with the least number of...
Pima Air Museum is a large aviation museum in the desert of Arizona, known for its vast "Bone Yard" of aircraft.
The overarching purpose of this rebrand is to create a unique experience for...
Population ageing is a major demographic challenge for humanity. Since population structures evolve slowly and predictably, the demographic, economic, environmental, and social problems of ageing...
A staple of acrylic planes holds the people of the continents ( Halma figures) as tenants with their accumulated wealth (as red LEGO bricks) for furnishing, the stock of foreign investment...
The worst drought in living memory is sweeping parts of eastern Australia, leaving farmers struggling to cope and asking questions about the future. This series of maps explain the severity of the...
This map, created using the U.S. Department of Defense's THOR dataset, shows every recorded bombing mission of the Vietnam War. Each mission is plotted as a single semi-transparent point....
“How Faster Trains Draw China’s Cities Ever Closer” is a visual-dominated piece reviewing the changes of time-distances between China’s cities.
China’s rapid development of high-speed railways...
Marco Polo came across countless stories which he depicted in his book, during his adventure. This is a humble attempt to recreate and narrate the Polos' grand journey around the world, using...
The Global Map of Accessibility is an interactive map that lets you view the travel time between almost any point on Earth and the nearest population centre of 50,000 or more people. The data...
The final chapter in his series on the birth of globalisation by Deputy Head of Infographics for the South China Morning Post, Adolfo Arranz is the story of ‘how silver changed the world’. Using...
Since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, 29 spaceports around the world have been used to launch satellites to orbit. This interactive map and timeline shows the cumulative launches from each...
In an era of rapidly changing cities and demographics, The Post wanted to measure the changes in race and ethnicity since the 1990s. To explore these national changes, we analyzed census data...
This is a visual analysis of 15699 bike accidents in Hamburg, Germany from 2011 until 2016. Using data visualization it is shown who is responsible for the accidents and what causes them. In...