This plot empirically teases out subtle differences between the words "geek" and "nerd". Two axes represent the words in different dimensions, and plot other English words according to their...
The internet and the importance of social networking in the digital age is a self-directed project which is designed to help you better understand how many people use the top Social media.
"Nation Master", a website dedicated to collecting statistics published around the world, managed to create an alternative list of things that countries excel in - a list that will not glorify...
Emoto captured and visuÂalÂised the global response around the London 2012 Olympic Games on Twitter. The project consisted of an interactive online visualization, realtime data-journalism...
Stadtbilder is an attempt to map the digital shape of cities. While traditional maps show us buildings, roads and physical infrastructure, these maps reveal where and in which form the city is...
At the close of 1998, there were 23 known weblogs on the Internet. A year later there were tens of thousands. What changed? Pyra Labs launched Blogger, the online tool that gave push-button...
'The Beginning and the End' compares the completely abstract notions of the creation of the world, written in Genesis, and the apocalypse, written in Revelation. Each piece of visual data...
The aim was to visualise career paths of former PhD students supported by the Wellcome Trust and find how many of them stayed in academia and how many left or stopped working and studying...
To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. No, an image showing the number of kills by James Bond in official movies. Using data provided by The Guardian Data Store, the image pays homage to the...
Hubway is a bike sharing system providing over 1000 bikes and 100 bike racks available in Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, and Somerville. How many men and women cyclists are there? How old are they?...
This is a personal map of New York City showing all of our movements during one year. We tracked our location with OpenPaths which is represented in blue and red. The yellow dots are locations...
A map of Rome dedicated to horror movies shot during the years in the city. From "Profondo Rosso" by Dario Argento, to "Tomb Raider" played by Angelina Jolie.
In 2012 there were approximately 810 million people over 60 years old in the world. This number is projected to grow to more than 2 billion by 2050, at which point the elderly will outnumber...
We wanted to create something that captures all the drama, struggles, and highlights of the baseball season. We ended up with something that was part data visualization experiment, part...
We take the two most nit-picking characters from Downton Abbey, Carson the butler and Lady Violet the dowager countess, and track everything that provoked them across three seasons and one...
Jotun, one of the world's leading decorative paint brands, explores the color selection process by extracting data about consumers color preferences from Pinterest. This data visualization is the...
The foremost social network focused on professionals, LinkedIn gathers valuable information on individual job-seekers, job-holders, and businesses worldwide. We work with LinkedIn to highlight some...
The wolf in our living rooms. How much wolf is left in man's best friend?
This poster visualises the genetic relationships and diversification of dogs since their domestication from wolves.
This visualization explores the story of Nobel prizes through years.
Visualized for each laureate are prize category, year the prize was awarded, and age of the recipient at the time, as well as...
This visualization shows the number of grand operas in europe, subdivided by author (the outer ring) and by city (the inner shapes).
Each city is represented with a polygon in which each vertex...
Using data provided by the Hong Kong Observatory, the graphic visualises 23 years worth of rain in Hong Kong, starting from 1990. It shows the daily average rainfall as well as any issued tropical...
Mobile advertising is on the rise. Millward Brown Brasil developed a study to understand more of this universe. Share of time spent has changed with the possibilities brought by smartphone...
Cartographers are tasked with making the physical world understandable through graphical display. Abstract spatial data is given context and translated through elements such as north arrows, scale...
A set of icons that describes the stadiums used from 1993 to 2013 for the Champions League Final. The style, colors and shapes, is simplified to better describe the various features which...
The streamgraph shown on this page represents the evolution of Kantian lexicon throughout his philosophical publications. A hundred of the most important words, of the Kant's philosophical...
50 YEARS OF THE GERMAN SOCCER LEAGUE: The graphic shows all end-of-season placings from 1963 to 2013. By the way it's a homage to the well know record cover "Unknown Pleasures" from Joy Division.
In this data visualisation, we chart the source material for the highest-grossing film every year since the original blockbuster, –Gone with the Wind' in 1939. Many were inspired by comic books, TV...