Climate justice means being fair to all, especially when dealing with climate change. The world is getting hotter, causing illness, destructive weather events, and financial difficulties. The...
The digital era has opened the door for new forms of communication and has not just allowed more people to communicate, but engendered new modes of communication; a powerful tool, yet unfortunately...
Traditional colors carry rich cultural genes, and traditional color libraries can connect design creativity with national aesthetic standards. However, the current online color libraries need help...
The project comprises a publicly accessible, interactive webmap, aimed to communicate the rise and fall of London’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) temporally over the course of the 2 year COVID...
In recent years, Indonesia has witnessed a significant rise in earthquake activity, attributed to its location within the seismic hotspot known as the Ring of Fire. The convergence of tectonic...
This visualization celebrates Women's History Month by exploring the women astronauts who have made it to the other side of the atmosphere. The visualization looks into the backgrounds of these...
An artistic point by point depiction of the 2023 Men's Wimbledon Final. Each set forms a row of games that are made to look like tennis balls by the white line running through the middle. The line...
The FIFA Football World Cup was held in the Arab world for the first time in history in 2022.
To mark one of the world’s biggest sporting events, at the start of the tournament, Al Jazeera...
Flavour palettes of whisky can be complex, with many different tasting notes presenting themselves in a single dram. This visualisation, originally designed to be a poster, looks at the prevalence...
“The way we treat our bodies and extract and exploit our own energy, mirrors the way we collectively treat the precious resources of our planet” – Ruby May
Stereotypes happen for a reason. A quick look at data from Statista confirms how Western media often label Arab women as shallow with outrageous taste in beauty standards. But there are cultural...
Mini Metro is a game that allows users to design public transit systems in various cities across the world. I'm a big fan of the game- but also the game's engaging design. Inspired by the layout of...
I am a woman and Nigerian. Knowing that the odds might not be in my favour in the different sectors of the country, I embarked on this journey.
In this data visualization project, I collated...
Motivation. As an artist, I have always been fascinated by the use of color. My favorite artistic medium has always been acrylic, due to the vivid and vibrant colors it is able to depict. I...
Duke Lemur Center houses several hundred lemurs, many of them endangered species. This table explores of 27 of the species of lemur that have been housed there, showing the number of males and...
More than 70 years have passed since India gained independence from colonial rule, and many Indians believe that their country has successfully achieved one of its post-independence ideals: a...
When it comes to sand mining, the Singapore government is often closed to scrutiny. As a result, it is often cast as a villain, guzzling sand from its neighbours while it grows bigger through...
This project brings to life the unique research of the Economic Innovation Group on the fall of economic dynamism in the United States and how most states have been struggling since 2008. It puts...
Our first reaction to the Indonesian Kanjuruhan Stadium Disaster as a team was a locator map with some simple references, after a few days I decided to go further by using good image sources and...
Reuters obtained and analyzed ten year’s worth of data on drugs seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents at ports of entry along the southern border. The dataset provides more...
A cotton data visualization showing a change in the ranking of cotton lint producers in a decade. Made using threads, needle and a cloth. The red threads denote a decline in the rank and the black...
In collaboration with the NFL's 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report, Playfair Data presents an analysis of occupational mobility patterns within the NFL. The annual study, now in its 10th year,...
In May, the World Health Organization asked the Viz for Social Good community to help them visualise what disability looks like across the globe through a digitally accessible lens.
August 15th, 2023 marks the first National Ecological Day in China. Our focus turns to plastic that can be seen everywhere.
In 1950, only 2 million tons of plastic products were produced...
The World Hostility Graph displays the totality of the world's recorded conflicts from 1816 to 2014. In 198 years, 199 countries created 4726 conflicts whose outcomes created our modern...
This book closes the gap between what people think Excel can do and what they can achieve in the tool. Over the past few years, recognition of the importance of effectively visualizing data has led...
After buying a house in the Catskills in April 2022, I wanted to create a meadow garden with native plants. I wanted to plant suitable for my planting zone, 5b, and add color and interest to my...
In his 2004 book Perilous Times, Geoffrey R. Stone observes that with respect to free speech rights in wartime, “Time and again, Americans have suppressed dissent, imprisoned and...
Since the nuclear accident caused by a powerful earthquake in 2011, Japan has been storing a huge amount of contaminated wastewater in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Now that it almost...