Onboarding is the process of introducing newly hired employees to our organization's expectations, behaviours, and culture. COVID-19 has permanently altered how we work, and consequently, it has...
The Power Switcher is an online tool for expert users that allows them to explore future energy scenarios in Switzerland.
Users can try out all kinds of options and find out what the effect of...
Private Equity International’s Number Crunch is a collaborative project between the publication’s editorial, production and design teams. Published once a month, Number Crunch takes a topic – be it...
Cyberattacks are increasingly threatening industries and sectors in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The consequences of cyberattacks can be severe and lasting, causing disruptions to the supply...
This data visualisation provides an overview of the performance of a fictional superstore. The dashboard begins with some high-level KPIs and sparklines, and then breaks this down into more detail...
These images have been produced using a recently published data visualization library. This JavaScript library enables high-quality raytraced data visualization using realistic materials and...
Assuming companies as social complex systems and the network as a visualization and organizational paradigm, Intesa Organizational Knowledge Map is an experimental web application designed and...
Every year, Laudes Foundation publishes its annual report containing the institution's objectives, accomplishments regarding the previous years and challenges for the future. In 2021 we were proud...
As part of the Real World Fake Data #RWFD community project, this dashboard seeks to visualize the cross-functional mobility of a hypothetical company with less than 100 employees, i.e. their...
The Event Experience Dashboard is a comprehensive visualization of data-focused key metrics for event experience, presented on a well-organized, visually appealing, and user-friendly...
The need for community is fundamental to being human. But in the recent past, alongside the rise of the internet, the nature of many communities has changed as community as a service has emerged as...
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has highlighted the intricate nature of global supply chains, a complex network connecting nations and propagating disruptions to distant regions. Previous studies often...