For the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, I marked every siren, helicopter and construction noise I heard on paper. I charted it here, and included other sounds and events within earshot from my...
Design Brief: During the Covid-19 pandemic, Northeastern University launched the #protectthepack campaign, which used a variety of media to keep students, faculty, and staff informed, connected,...
Scientists say the pandemic will end in the U.S. only when we achieve what's called herd immunity. Play with our simulations to see how immunity can stop an outbreak in its tracks. We explain a...
During the confinement in Spain, between March and May, 53 consecutive days, we produced a daily visual column that was published in Diario de Navarra, the leading newspaper in the community. It...
Every victim of covid-19 had their own joys and hopes for the future. Leslie Shapiro and I marked one million deaths in America from covid-19 by writing about one person who died each week of the...
During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Graphicacy worked with our partners at Johns Hopkins University to design and engineer a visualization to help make sense of the testing landscape....
New variants of SARS-CoV-2 are rapidly spreading through the U.S. These coronavirus variants are being studied because they may be more transmissible, cause more severe disease, or reduce the...
In the early weeks and months of the pandemic, reliable information was hard to find. Little was known about how to prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or treat people with the covid-19...
They were the first ones on the dance floor, the first in their families to immigrate to the United States, the first to lend a helping hand or words of support. Grandma, Pop Pop, Butterfly, Coach,...
Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed lifestyles, personal habits, and created a deep chasm between “before” and “after.” We were interested in exploring how the pandemic affected people’s...
The COVID-19 vaccine has been widely available and free to the public in the US...
Launched on Christmas Eve 2020, these "overview" charts tracking concentrations of covid and other pathogens sampled from sewage continue to be used daily to inform the decisions of public health...
The COVID-19 Barometer is a data visualization series showing the trends and the situation of the pandemic with pixel visualization as its core.
We are one of the earliest non-profit forces to...
The first COVID-19 case was reported in Wuhan, China on December 8th, 2019. Here i visualized the first stage of the spread of COVID-19 cases in China, USA, world. Updates were provided daily.
Faced with the health crisis of 2020, most countries have chosen to confine themselves, putting a sudden halt to most of their economic activities. What was the impact on the climate? Through the...
A semi-realtime simulation of the number of COVID cases reported.
This visualization was created before there were vaccines, and in the news you would only hear big numbers: "800 new cases...
Many drugs have been evaluated for treating patients with covid-19 at different disease severities. The resulting research has been published in enormous quantities at unprecedented speeds. To make...
It all started when some of my closest friends and I tested positive for COVID back in December 2021. We tried to keep track of who was the one who had the first symptoms, but the information got...
This visualisation shows the outbreak of covid 19 in the southern region of India during the lockdown 1.0 & 2.0 i.e from 25 March 2020 to 03 May 2020. The intervals of lockdown are arranged in...
The Pandemic Poachers cross-border investigation was reported by 13 journalists from the InfoNile network in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and South Sudan over one year and contains original data...
The COVID-19 Impact and Economic Recovery Hub provides comprehensive coverage on the nation’s pandemic recovery, incorporating data from hundreds of trusted government sources. Real-time data is...
The U.S. experienced the unthinkable loss of one million people from COVID-19 in May of 2022. Using CDC data, this visualization displays the peaks and valleys of death rates in each U.S. state...
"Erbario Vaccinale" ("Vaccine Herbarium") is a dissemination project on Instagram about the status of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign in Italy from its beginning to the summer of 2021 through the...
This piece is my re-envisioning of how we visualise humanitarian disasters like COVID-19. Given the rapidly growing nature of India's outbreak, I decided to draw attention to both its magnitude and...
This visual explanation demonstrates how COVID-19 tracing apps can break infection chains and preserve users' privacy. We felt that the public discourse surrounding digital contact tracing lacked a...
At the end of 2019, the new coronavirus pneumonia began to spread rapidly. Starting on New Year's Eve, more than 300 medical teams and more than 40,000 white-clad soldiers from all over the country...
“ZOOM-CALL-LOOK” Data Visualization Project focuses on the evolution and impact of the make-up usage and dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The whole project started by a data collection based...
The objective of this project was to communicate a complex, authoritative, and interactive public-facing chronology of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, that showed the spread of...
A personal data visualisation exploring the relationship between different variables that were documented daily throughout the UK’s first national lockdown as a result of COVID-19. The power of...
Early on during the COVID pandemic the media were focusing on “flattening the curve”, trying to keep cases from growing exponentially. I started trying to figure out how much better or worse states...