We are currently in a cost of living crisis in the UK with an increasing dependency on food banks. Food banks in the UK are also reliant on donation from the public, however with more than 35M...
Launched on Christmas Eve 2020, these "overview" charts tracking concentrations of covid and other pathogens sampled from sewage continue to be used daily to inform the decisions of public health...
The measurements of "success" in networked social media do not render visible the actual importance of #MeToo or the broader phenomenon of structural sexual violence. In crucial ways, the structure...
The organizational chart is a business necessity, and normally the furthest thing from a description of business culture. This artwork visualizes the hierarchical positions of employees of the...
The night sky has always accompanied and inspired people. The stories and myths of the cultures of mankind have always found a counterpart in the stars. The project "Sternenhimmel der Menschheit"...
Pele is the most important Brazilian football player in history. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Pelé's 1000th goal, we compare the goals scored by him, Leonel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo each...
How are we visualizing topographic data?
This infographic shows the diversity of Switzerland's topography in a 3D south-north transect. The idea of this datavisualisation project was to use recent...
A collaborative project with CJ Mayes - visualising Manchester United's 2020/21 English Premier League Season. Understand how their form changed throughout the season, in addition to a stark...
While the world watched on in horror as Australia burned, ABC News Story Lab was working to convey the immense impact of the 2019-20 bushfires. To do this we turned to the only resource capable of...
Hear The Blind Spot is a data sonification experience that champions greater digital inclusion for visually impaired people in Ethiopia. It tells the story of a visually-impaired young woman called...
This work contains data on the past of the African-American community: both pride and horror. The central piece of this graph is a curved bar chart that shows the number of enslaved people brought...
This is a fun soccer experiment, it shows 882,536 passes from 890 matches across various leagues and seasons. It looks cool as a static point cloud, but be sure to check out the animated,...
A digital version of the FAQ section of the Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis Repot. Published by the IPCC as part of its climate report 2021.
I was commissioned to produce graphics...
Dieses kleine Buch ist für dich (This little book is for you) is a German grammar book with a new approach to explain the language to adults learning it as a foreign language. The book uses a novel...
Online museum collections provide a treasure trove of objects to explore, and allow the public to view a much larger proportion of a museum’s collection than they could see by visiting the museum...
We followed the efforts of volunteers and human rights workers to document the destruction of treasured Ukrainian buildings.
We took point cloud data (gigabytes worth of material and billions of...
I teach digital studies at Davidson College, and for the past several years, I've assigned my students prompts that build off of Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi's Dear Data project. By following...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The viz uses sample superstore data available in Tableau Desktop and delivers a...
This story looks into the world of martial arts and the difference between its portrayals in the media versus its reality. We produced this story in hopes of cultivating greater and more nuanced...
The Sagrada Família is a one-of-a-kind temple, for its origins, foundation and purpose. Fruit of the work of genius architect Antoni Gaudi, the project was promoted by the people for the people....
The project was done in partnership with Open Development Mekong to draw attention to pressing developments of the region that will ultimately affect the most disadvantaged. It also attempts to...
The concept behind these two data arts pieces is quite simple. I find it remarkable that we rarely celebrate parenting milestones to the same extent that we celebrate birthdays. For me the journey...
Luxun Art has contributed his great strength in major historical events. Some of the materials we have found have detailed introductions, while others are just a few words. We believe that there...
This viz is a breakdown of different events (smoking, violence, sex scenes) of David Lynch's film Wild At Heart. I created this visualization three times, first in Tableau, then in Illustrator,...
Sunny Street is changing the world by providing heartfelt healthcare to our community’s most vulnerable people. They partnered with Viz for Social Good in collaboration to articulate their social...
Hong Kong has been notorious for its poor living conditions for those with lower incomes, with more than 220,000 people squeezing themselves in the tiny subdivided flats. With the coronavirus...
Viz for Social Good project in partnership with Kiron (provides a learning platform for refugees worldwide and underserved communities in the Middle East). The aim of the project was to visualise...
Although there's been other databases that have tracked LGBTQ characters on TV, Insider produced a first-of-its-kind database to track the historical presence of lesbian, gay, bisexual,...