Federica Fragapane collaborates with La Lettura as information designer. The visualizations collected in One Year of Visual Narratives are part of an experimental research process and deal with...
A public participation project, in which the boundaries of the political debate were discussed. Hoping to define a respectable “clean” political discourse and formulate a treaty reflecting the...
“It is an automated response system designed for clients to independently and pro-actively measure their sales team’ performance in activating their look of success in trade; they will be able to...
For the 10th anniversary of our company we visualized the collaboration with our clients from the company foundation in early 2008 until end of the year 2017. A leporello with 10 postcards shows...
A Matter of Scales is an interactive data exhibit meant to tell the story of the pangolin—an order of animals that faces endangerment and extinction due to illegal trade thanks to demand for the...
CLEVER°FRANKE has investigated the weather through a series of visual experiments, resulting in a poster; the Weather Chart. The 5th and final edition, completes the entire series with an...
Cairn aims at understanding the variety of practices in third spaces. It explores alternatives to questionnaires and other traditional evaluation techniques by stressing aesthetic, affective and...
Mercury Retrograde is something I just got into this year and have found super interesting. Basically, 3 or 4 times a year, the planet Mercury does this weird thing where it looks like it's moving...
The ‘Bursa’ industrial area in Ramat-Gan has been undergoing a process of change as efforts are made to transform it into Tel aviv's business center. The change are far from being complete as the...
While working on a brief about practitioners I became fascinated with the work of Charles Booth. I underwent in-depth research into Booth's diaries that he kept. Looking into the archive compiled...
On the ten year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, how do we visualise financial markets contagion? It may seem an abstract question but abstract financial ideas cratered the world...
Each row of this cross stitch represents the average temperature for that year. It starts from 1880 (top row) to 2017 (bottom row). White is the average temperatures of the years 1900 to 2000. The...
This is a timeline consisting of 20 years in American history, all of which had major influence on both the progress and regress of women’s reproductive rights in the United States of America. The...
SORTING is an algorithm visualization and sonification work created by Yuan Ren. Through computer programming, the sorting history, data comparison, data swap, absolute error, residual sum of...
»Stats Against the Odds« is a declaration of love through data.
It is a handmade book visualizing specific facts about a (very) long distance relationship, and thus telling its story.
Asked to present the historic event in a given folding format, I chose to move away from the stories and give light to the vast scope and numbers of disappearance during the military dictatorship...
Mapping the movement of Squirrels - Mapping Municipal Market, Ahmedabad
Located adjoining one of the busiest streets of the city of Ahmedabad, the municipal market hosts a lot of visitors every...
The growth of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide is alarming. This is a handmade visualization of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions for 1990, 2010 and projected for 2030. Three wearable creatures...
A visual documentation of Operation Black Buck - one of the riskiest yet most ambitious missions the RAF has ever carried out. This print visualises the complex dance of the multiple air-to-air...
What is the shape of networks? How do we experience network sculptures? Our goal with this project is to bring networks to life as physical objects, a testimony to their physical reality in spite...
What if machines could write stories?
What are the boundaries between creativity and automation? These are the questions I asked myself when I started working on 'Grimmz' - a fairy-tale generator,...
TomCast is a research tool for financial market forecasts that allows tracking and analyzing published forecasts to understand their quality. We designed and developed an initial version of the...
IBM Immersive Insights is a data exploration tool that applies AR technology to data exploration and communication. Users are able to view their data in 3D using the AR wearable tool, and within...
The purpose of my infographic is to provide a visual representation of the number of projects, total amount of work hours and technology used during a specific period of time. But most importantly,...
The design of this annual report was driven by the NBCUniversal mission statement. The language discusses delivering a large and varied spectrum of content. The theme "Spectrum of Tomorrow" was...
We've seen our country's borders countless times, on maps, train schedules, weather forecasts. But how well can we draw them from memory? For the national holiday, we challenged our readers with a...
I just wanted to buy a mascara but I got overwhelmed by the range by all these brands. (keuzestress in Dutch)
So I decided to do some data-scraping and -crunching, trying to let the data decide...