About 30% of UK jobs will be potentially threatened in the coming years by innovations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Lower than that of the United States and Germany, respectively...
What influences children’s risk of developing poor mental health or low wellbeing, and what could protect them from these adversities? CLS researchers analysed information from more than 12,000...
In China today, people pay more and more attention to their health problems, while medical information is often too dense and complex for most people to understand. In view of this, we examined...
Wondering what kind of bacteria could be found in the subway, during an 18 month project started in 2013 physiology professor Christopher Mason collected samples from all subway stations in New...
The visualization shows an analysis of renewable energy supply in Italy and in the world.
Renewable energy is defined as the contribution of renewables to total primary energy supply (TPES).
An innovative digital art installation on the ground floor of the new Jerome L. Greene Science Center on Columbia’s Manhattanville campus invites visitors to peer inside the brain and meet the...
This infographic creates a narrative built out of qualitative data which maps India’s nuclear journey since colonial independence. The story outlines how a country marred by the pangs of separation...
Inspired by rebuses, a narrative method dating from as early as the 15th century that uses pictures to represent words, Bloomberg journalists tackled the Space X story in a compelling new way....
3D printing or additive manufacturing has the potential to transform manufacturing dramatically and permanently. This infographic explores how 3D printing is no longer reserved for science fiction,...
Quiz and visualization to help people who are new to programing figure out what language they should start learning. I've seen many friends who want to enter the technology field, but start by...
This data visualization shows the resistance of Salmonella and E. Coli in food, animals and humans, country by country.
It is based on the results of the European Union summary report on...
A Thought Thesaurus artwork is the visualisation of the structure of matter and how the motion within a molecular structure creates the forms we see. Feeling the energy and spin of all things...
Measurements are at the heart of analysis, testing, and discovery. Irish mathematical physicist Lord Kelvin once said, “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers,...
‘Astronauts’ is a special TASS project that takes an in depth look at mankind’s accomplishments in outer space following the first manned flight by Yuri Gagarin in 1961. The project is designed in...
Nine undeclared military vehicles from Singapore were discovered in Kwai Chung container terminal following a tip-off from mainland law enforcers. “The Terrex” vehicles had taken part in routine...
An interactive essay that walks a reader through the process of building a histogram, from an unordered clump of values to the finished chart. The essay highlights how parameter choices throughout...
This is a video we release every year to promote a study highlighting the 10 social media trends that will shape the year (and years) ahead. Past years the video was more infographic / motion...
What is the current landscape of Internet of Things (IOT) connected devices? Sachs assessed the IOT listings on IOT.com and surveyed a national sample to find out. Taking inspiration from tropical...
The artificial pancreas research projects in human trials campaign dealt with displaying information about the connection between Type 1 Diabetes projects and artificial pancreas. Using a color...
The clearest visualization of bitcoin we have ever seen. After this summer’s massive Petya/NotPetya hack, Keith Collins of Quartz wanted to show what happened to the $10,000 worth of ransom...
When National Geographic Channel commissioned Year Million, a 6-part docudrama looking at how humans will live a million years from now, Radical Media tapped Territory to visualise the futuristic...
We believe that it is far more important for a student to develop statistical intuition than to be able to recite equations. We have developed a collection of 15 interactive visualizations, each of...