#MomsWhoViz was built in honour of this year's Women’s History Month and the aim of the viz is to showcase the lovely women in my #MomsWhoViz group. The group is very special to me and I wanted to...
The maps show the comparative analysis of motorcycle accidents registered in Mexico City during 2018, 2019, 202 and 2021 according to the day of the week they occurred and the geographical location.
Perfect Match is an annual Valentine's Day matchmaking service built for Cornell University that algorithmically pairs students with their perfect matches. The set of visualizations, based on the...
This animation shows the early start of all public transport on Monday morning 16 November 2020. The date is not a specific choice.
However, the weekday is. Monday is the start of the (work)...
This work consists in a group of maps created for the exhibition Nhe'˜e Porã: Memory and Transformation, focused on the language of Brazil's indigenous people, in the Museum of Portuguese Language...
During 2020 in Mexico, 54,313 agrarian subjects were benefited with the granting of certificates and titles distributed 19,852 to women and 34,461 to men.
The state with the greatest gender...
In our previous research, we investigated different areas of the Facebook dispositif: algorithmic and human labor, the digital infrastructure behind the social network, and the exploitation of...
‘100 mujeres pioneras’ (100 Pioneering Women) is a visual approach to ‘No me cuentes cuentos’ (don't tell me stories) project. A Prodigioso Volcán and Kloshletter agencies initiative to highlight...
More than 70 years have passed since India gained independence from colonial rule, and many Indians believe that their country has successfully achieved one of its post-independence ideals: a...
The Lunaapahkiing Princeton Timetree presents the intertwined relations between the Native peoples of Lunaapahkiing and Princeton University, established on its present unceded Native land in 1756....
Research has shown that our personality can affect our income and the jobs we are suitable for. Enter your personality type to see how your personality is affecting your finances.
Gender inequalities are thought to have first appeared with the advent of agriculture, when a clear distinction was made between the role of women and men in all spheres of social life. Men in...
What role did the neighborhood you grew up in have in shaping your economic opportunities? Author Aaron Williams tells a data story about migration, community, and returning to your roots through...
For me, this Design Mind Map is like a self-portrait. I sketched seven designers and one innovator who I admire, and then arranged them chronologically. All these designers have influenced me a lot....
This work includes monthly survey results from a research company, giving insights about different demographic groups' viewpoints about varying subject matters.
This week’s infographic is a design about child development. I wanted to create a easy-to-read guide that would be helpful for both medical students and new parents. The infographic has a quick...
"Every single text of scripture points to Christ...from Moses to the prophets. Every verse of scripture finds its fulfillment in Him and every story in the bible ends with Him." - Al Mohler
Forms of Attraction clusters images from the MET's Costume Institute into items sharing similar form. This was done through machine learning to uncover new relationships between items beyond...
In Australia, the debate about the generational divide is as heated as it ever was, stoked by stereotypical media-baiting — from the Baby Boomers who wrecked the world and stole all the wealth, to...
How long does it take to catch the most wanted criminals in America? In this viz I dive into the history of the FBIs most wanted list and how long the suspects remained wanted.
Canada's Indian Residential School System was a network of boarding schools, industrial schools, and federal hostels created to remove indigenous children from their homes, their families, and...
This infographic shows the etymological descent of the names of the deities worshiped by some historical civilizations, from those of the oldest Indo-European pantheon. For each Indo-European...
The piece is meant to be targeted to HR professionals to help understand the changing workforce. The data was meant to be clear and accessible in a straightforward way, and easily digestible. In...
The language and cultural heritage has a particularly important protection value. The popularization of Putonghua is important, but we cannot abandon dialects and national art because of this. My...
How much does the translation behavior of a language indicate about its culture? Do German speakers seek the same words translated as the Spanish? To investigate, we've analyzed all the single word...
Population ageing, driven by rising life expectancy, is a problem in all developed countries. Our interactive visualisation enables users to sort countries by life expectancy (purple circles). But...
Como resultado de una investigación acerca del lenguaje humano y la percepción del significado, se ha desarrollado Versolid. Un sistema de representación visual que permite traducir mediante...
I study modern interpretations of indigenous cartography, such as counter mapping, which maps away from dominant power structures and colonial hierarchy. This means story and narrative should not...