This data visualisation project attempts to quanitfy and explain different forms of wellbeing, including mental health. The study had two parts which each collected data from a UK-representative...
Mental health conditions during pregnancy or in the first year after birth can affect anyone, including those with no previous experience of mental health problems.
It’s estimated that as many as...
The graphs represent the correlation between economic dependence and psychological violence. The matrix graph shows the percentage distribution of women who work for a salary and women who do not...
Building on ever-expanding bodies of research connecting the creation of art with therapeutic benefits, this project questions how data – like music, dance, and poetry – might be a creative medium...
The transgender community is one of the oldest communities in India. It comprises of Hijras, eunuchs, Kothis, Aravanis, etc (M. Michelraj, 2015). All members of these subgroups face severe...
This project is based on one of the first shape books ever printed in America, Red Riding Hood, beautifully written and illustrated by Lydia Louisa Anna Very, published in 1863. The aim was to...
Brazil is the country with the largest number of murders of trans people. Expressing yourself as a member of the LGBT community in this country and fighting against homophobia is almost the same...
This astroclock simulates a geocentric model generally used in Astrology. A minute here is an year on earth. The scale or the calculations are not precise, and only for aesthetic purpose. The main...
The grooming culture in the Arab world goes back centuries.
Harem existed for women to gather away from the sight of men and exchange information, stories, jokes, and experiences. Some rituals...
Women in South and Southeast Asia continue to face numerous physical, social and economic challenges in accessing public spaces safely. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the pursuit of leisure...
Using data from Kontur Population 2022, which contains hexagonal gridded population data at a resolution of 400m, I created this population density map of Japan with insets by region—Hokkaidō,...
"Summer Bound in Thrissur Round" is a Schematic map of a small town in Southern India called Thrissur. Swaraj Round or Thrissur Round is the biggest roundabout in South Asia and The map aims to...
Dissecting thoughts through languages: Consciously extracting and quantifying the components of the languages I use on a daily basis.
In this project, I looked at my WhatsApp messages and voice...
In 2022 UCOVI web scraped the job-history sections of just over 1,000 LinkedIn profiles who were members of data science and analytics groups, and who had at least 15-months of experience in data...
When I Was Your Age is a data visualization project focused on understanding the difference in spending habits of the average American across generations. The project uses public data from...
Modern colonialism began in the 15th century and
peaked in 1914, when Europeans ruled a majority of the
world’s countries. Decolonization began after World War I
and accelerated following World...
Another Life is an interactive installation designed to help young people rewrite their lives.
Antithetical to digital interfaces where errors can be erased, the physical interface here — a...
Housekeeping system of MIT Design and Art Colleges. Where total 4 colleges of Design, Fine Art, Architecture and Fashion Design are taken into consideration and their housekeeping staff has been...
A visual story going over on some common dishes frequently consumed during Lunar New Year in Taiwan and related symbolisms. One of the many hallmarks of this 16-day celebration is the feasting...
The maps show the comparative analysis of motorcycle accidents registered in Mexico City during 2018, 2019, 202 and 2021 according to the day of the week they occurred and the geographical location.
Dogs are amazing, man’s best friend you might say! But for any dog owners, you’ll know that they come with some unusual habits, like snoring, excessive farting and howling in their sleep.
In México, 2,217,280 agrarian subjects deposited their inheritance list during 2020 (611,663 women, 27.6%, and 1,605,617 men, 72.4%). Veracruz is the state with the highest number: 178,684 (45,459...
This visualization shows the data of 2193 journalists and media workers from all over the world who had been murdered, killed in crossfire and combat, or on dangerous assignments over the past...
Connecting Speckles is a data selfie. A data selfie is a visual representation of oneself with an underlying narrative or theme of what the individual wants to convert about themselves or a...