Every Noise at Once (everynoise.com) is an algorithmically-generated, audio-annotated, dynamically evolving map of the music genre space. It arrays the 700+ major music genres tracked (so far) by...
What music do people listen to? How does their taste change with time? Where do new music styles come from?
A.Track.Tion is a data visualisation aimed at shedding light on these deep and...
An interactive data visualization of constitutions around the world. The project shows 225 years of new constitutions, amendments and other events, using data from the Comparative Constitutions...
This is an ongoing attempt at an algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space, based on data tracked and analyzed for 1387 genres by The Echo Nest. The...
Art Market for Dummies is an explainer. Everyone knows Picasso or Warhol, but few people know how the art market works. I wanted this explainer be accompanied by comprehensible datavisualisation. I...
Infographics show median voting scores, representing participants tastes since 1994 till 2013. Outcome flow shows voting statistics, how one country participant voted for another, while income flow...
The dataviz provides an increased understanding of the smartphone market shares evolution. Rather than displaying isolated data points only, as in the monthly release, it allows access to all...
What if we could see a baseball player's offensive stats all at once? These are radar charts, but try to think of them as fingerprints of offensive output.
"In flight" is a live data-driven interactive documentary created by Kiln for the Guardian to mark the centenary of commercial aviation. It combines a cutting-edge real-time interactive map of...
Urban World helps navigate the unprecedented global wave of urbanization. Users can compare GDP, population and household income for more than 2,600 cities worldwide, in 2010 and in one scenario...
Released in April this year, How far is it to Mars? is an Interactive infographic based around one beautifully simple concept: Showing the distance between the Earth and Mars as a long scrolling...
NASA's New Horizons flyby of Pluto caps more than 50 years of exploring our nearest celestial neighbors. Here's a chance to look back at the moons, planets, asteroids and comets photographed by...
'First World War' is an ambitious interactive experience about World War I, created by Kiln in partnership with the Guardian's multimedia team to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the...
The concept of the cosmic web—viewing the universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together by gravity—is deeply ingrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about architecture of this...
Noise in some areas of Berlin has reached levels considered hazardous to health. The Berliner Morgenpost interactive map shows where the noise in Berlin is potentially harmful, detailing the...
An interactive illustrating the spread of Nobel laureates across the world and by affiliation.
The best description of this work is found in a post I wrote here: http://battellemedia.com/archives/2013/05/behind-the-banner-a-visualization-of-the-adtech-ecosystem.php
The interactive visualization reveals the global evolution of trade agreements from 1948 until 2009. The tool not only displays the increase in the number of agreements and country connections over...
The Center for Public Integrity's “Dark Money Inc.” investigation uncovered more than $173 million in political contributions from about one-third of the 300 largest companies in the United States...
The Startup Universe displays and explores the relationships between startup companies and their founders and investors (Venture Capitalists) since 1990.
The Swiss Public Value Atlas compares the public value generated by the top 50 companies. The ranking can be analyzed by 4 dimensions: Fulfillment of tasks, social cohesion, moral and quality of...
The Bloomberg Billionaires Index visualizes a daily ranking of the world's richest people. The index is a dynamic measure of the top 100 billionaires based on changes in markets, the economy and...
The –metro –is a central component in the daily life of millions of Parisians. As a result, the official network map conditions the way commuters perceive time and space, as they tend to select...