Two-thirds of the money spent by Indian households go to roti, kapda aur makaan (food and beverages, clothing and footwear, and housing) alone. What about households in other developing countries?...
From food storage to furniture—we use plastic for everything. In 2008 alone 245 million tons of plastic were produced. These plastics often find there way into our waterways. Every year 6.4 million...
The map shows that downtown Boston, Chinatown, Roxbury, and Dorchester have had more aggravated assaults than other neighborhoods. Roxbury, downtown, and Dorchester had more robberies than other...
Voluntary commitments for The Ocean Conference are initiatives voluntarily undertaken by Governments, the United Nations system, other intergovernmental organizations, international and regional...
These beautiful cats are threatened by growing human populations, loss of habitat, illegal hunting (of both tigers and their prey species) and expanded trade in tiger parts used as traditional...
Since 2006, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has published an annual Global Gender Gap Report. In these reports, WEF "quantifies the magnitude of gender disparities and tracks their progress over...
Every year, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) provides the latest demographic data for the world, global regions, and more than 200 countries and territories. This year we focus on the state of the...
Despite vast improvements in the global fight against modernday slavery over the past decade, more than 45 million people remain victims of forced labour worldwide, with 58 per cent of those from...
Vaccines are an essential weapon in fighting disease outbreaks. But how does the time taken to develop vaccines compare to the speed and frequency of outbreaks? And how can we do it better?
Datadot developed the Human Municipal Development Report (IDHM) of United Nations Development Programme (UNPD). In this project, Datadot was responsible for data analysis and visualization,...
The dataviz project tries to visualize the growth potential for all products and countries worldwide to support small and medium-sized enterprises in least developed & developing countries to...
The Shadow Peace is a documentary series that asks thought-provoking questions about war, peace, and humanity using a unique form of cinematic data visualization. The first episode, "The Nuclear...
This artefact represents the impact that humanity has had in space around Earth. Each piece of tinfoil represents 10 debris pieces generated by man in the Earth’s Low Orbit, for a total of 13...
These dashboards present data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) that help to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but they are not always the official indicators for SDG...
Viz for Social Good is a social data project run by Chloe Tseng. The mission is to empower mission-driven organizations and increase awareness of social issues through beautiful and informative...
This map shows in a single image the people who lost their lives as they tried to reach European shores from 2005 to 2015. These men, women, and children were fleeing conflict and instability in...
Many Americans struggle to understand the scope and impact of humanitarian crises happening outside our borders. This visualization engages the user into the problem and relates the scale of the...
Access to good-quality affordable housing is a fundamental need and key to achieving a number of social policy objectives, including reducing poverty and enhancing equality of opportunity, social...
Why did the "game" "Blue Whale" become popular in social networks in Russia and other countries? On the basis of psychological research, I describe the causes of children and teenagers'...
Scientists refer to the dramatic changes occurring in the arctic as “Arctic amplification.”
A small change snowballs, and Arctic conditions become much less Arctic, much more quickly—like compound...
Climate change is an increasingly significant phenomenon and it’s likely to become irreversible. In this website, we analyzed how the international community is acting to mitigate the human...
20,000 immigrants in Illinois live further than 60 miles from the nearest Legal Aid Organization. Without proper legal aid, those without the financial means to pay for a private attorney are...
Perception is often far from reality, particularly in an era in which fake news and unverified information are distributed globally with no semblance of control.
The most significant consequence...
A tilegram map of the world showing which countries are the biggest spenders on public health, compared to Gross National Income. Each country is also measured on health indicators.
In 2016, around 31 075 Million US$ (SIPRI Trend Indicator Value at constant 1990 prices) worth of arms were traded all around the world. In 2015, this figure was 28 448 Million US$. In 2016, this...
An International migrant is a person who is living in a country other than their country of birth. The number of international migrants worldwide has continued to grow rapidly in recent years due...