Climate change and global warming is suddenly very real when you take a look at this interactive map that brings together all the Earth’s natural disasters since year 2000. Flooding is a number one...
The set of 31 voronoi maps show water points monitored over time by governments and development partners for indiviual countries.
The data is collected by the Water Point Data Exchange (WPDx)...
My first data visualization project for an Introduction to Data Visualization course. Our project brief: “Come up with a compelling focus or narrative” about financial hardship in Florida.
Imagine escaping home and embarking on a dangerous sea voyage to find refuge, only to realise that another nightmare has just begun. This is the reality for Rohingya refugees who flee from Myanmar...
Go Green! And why not start with your electric consumptions?
An interesting article surfaced in Forbes just days ago, bringing forth good news!
The costs of renewable energy have continued to...
The first map represents the distribution of femicides in the city halls of Mexico City and municipalities of the State of Mexico registered from 2015 to 2022.The second map shows the location of...
What remains when all is lost? Under the blankets tells the story of seven different homeless individuals — in Italy 43.595 — forced to live in degraded and painful conditions. The higher the...
This is an illustrated explanation of the deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian citizens to Russia by Russian forces.
Karina Zaiets, herself displaced from Ukraine, and the USA TODAY...
It is an infographic poster about a conflict over Sudokwon Landfill Site(SLS) in South Korea. Sudokwon Landfill in Incheon has been taking waste from the metropolitan area(Seoul, Gyeonggi Province,...
Africa’s small farm sizes have led to low crop yields compared to other regions. This, coupled with increasing global demand for agricultural commodities, has posed economic risks for emerging...
The Healthy Marketplace Index (HMI) reveals local trends in a large but lesser-known sector of the U.S. health care system – employer-based insurance, which covers half the population. HMI creates...
Lebanon has been going through its most challenging economic crisis in 70 years and is in dire need of international assistance. However, wherever funds are flowing, there is a
risk of corruption....
The imminent drilling of a well by Brazilian oil giant Petrobras in the Foz do Amazonas region is a foreseeable catastrophe which will test President Lula’s commitment to the environment.
China is accused of incarcerating hundreds of thousands of Muslims in detention camps that are rising from the desert sands in Xinjiang. A forensic analysis of satellite data covering 39 of these...
When you readily have access to a resource as foundational as food, it is easy to overlook the regions that do not have the same luxury. This visualization highlights the progress society has made...
Viz for Social Good project in partnership with Kiron (provides a learning platform for refugees worldwide and underserved communities in the Middle East). The aim of the project was to visualise...
My visualization is showing survey results for the MyWorld survey looking at people’s perception on the successful (or not) achievement of sustainable development goals. As a part of the UN SDG...
Across the relationship that exists between the brain and human emotions, there is a spectrum that goes beyond the tangible; To explore it, we present this project with the aim of breaking down the...
"Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers. All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, are all really necessary for our existence in the first...
This story aims to focus on miners, rather than the precious gems they dig from the earth – exploring the complexities and exploitation in the mining industry in parts of Asia.
We decided to...
The effectiveness of development aid is still under debate. Yet, from 1947 to 2013, a total of 1.5 millions of dollars for foreign aid has flown from one country to another. This interactive...
This poster series of data stories on the Cyclone Idai humanitarian response was a component of a Data-Art workshop to create data sculptures. To produce these posters, we collected open source...
Visualizing AidData's publicly released dataset of country-to-country development finance activities (includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits) from 1973 to 2013.
Climate change is a defining and urgent 21st century global challenge which threatens global security, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and public health. In an effort to address...
Sunny Street is changing the world by providing heartfelt healthcare to our community’s most vulnerable people. They partnered with Viz for Social Good in collaboration to articulate their social...
In this project, I want to examine people’s awarness or reaction related to Black lives Matter topic and to look closer into the victims in 2020. Moreover, to analyze how incidents influence...
Though it had no official name, the American air evacuation from Kabul, Afghanistan, was one of the largest such operations in history. Over the course of 16 flight days, U.S. forces alone ferried...
This data visualisation consists of handmade paper trees. There are 20 trees, one for each of the 20 largest UK funders. The features of each tree, such as the lengths of its branches and its...
‘Visualizing Yemen's Invisible War’ is a multimedia special feature that explores the horrific consequences of US support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, using first-hand accounts from...